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“So how are things with you and Lisa?”

Jennie glanced up at the officer and shrugged.

“Still refusing to talk to her?”

Jennie looked away and said nothing.

“Look,” Irene started, “What happened with you and Lisa, there’s a perfect explanation as to why she’s-”

“Wait- You know?” Jennie stared back at her.

“I forced her to tell me since you both were acting strange.” Irene replied, “So? You’re going to continue ignoring her?”

Jennie sighed, “It’s been weeks, Rene, and she hasn’t tried to at least offer an explanation. Can we not talk about this anymore?”

“Do you still care for her?”

“W-What-the-“ Jennie was taken aback by the sudden question.

“Please don’t give up on her.” Irene pleaded, “Not until you’ve heard her explanation. Just give her time.”

“I… I...” Jennie bit her lip. ‘I wouldn’t be able to give up on her even if I wanted to, Irene. I think I’m already in too deep. That’s the sad part.’

She gave Irene a weak smile before entering Rose's office.

Irene followed with a sigh. ‘Come on, Lisa. Just make things right with her.’


Sana scrolled down the webpage she was on, she was on some computer hardware company website that Gong Yoo Kim used to work for and stopped at the profile of a familiar looking man.

“Kim Dongwook.” Sana read out loud to herself. She did a quick search of the name and was surprised to find out that he was the deceased brother of Going Yoo Kim, Jennie's dad.

Dongwook and Gong Yoo worked in the same company?’

Sana scrolled past the results until an article heading caught her attention.

18 February 2000'

Fire on Penn Station kills masses

The Penn train disaster left 198 people dead and 147 injured. Arsonist Joseph Brown set fire to the train. The fire spread to the incoming train from the opposite direction a few minutes later. The victims’ families of the tragedy have since fought to find out the exact reason as to why it happened.’

The names of the victims were listed below the article. She scanned the names to find Dongwook's name. Listed beside his name was his spouse and Jennie's mother, Inna.

“Jennie's  parents were killed in that fire.” Sana mumbled to herself, “So that’s the reason why she had to live with Gong.” Her hand automatically moved the mouse to copy the information, accidently knocking off a few sheets of paper onto the floor as she did so.

Sana sighed and mentally scolded herself for being so clumsy. She leaned down to pick up the scattered sheets of Gong's EEG results. She took a glance at the scribbly lines and thought nothing of it as she placed it back into its original folder. By doing so, she noticed a slightly larger frequency in the lines on some of the questions answered by Gong.

“What the…” Sana furrowed her eyebrows, the difference between some of the lines were subtle and could’ve easily have been missed yet she was still disappointed that she let this slip from her usual sharp-eye skills.

She began taking another look through the results. ‘Strange…’


“Look, I’ve said this many times already, please let me go, I am not Ludo!” Gong shouted as Lisa sat back in her chair calmly and observed him.

PAPER HEARTS/JENLISA Where stories live. Discover now