22. Solace and Serenity

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Third Person POV :

If anyone told Jungkook that he would stay at home for almost two weeks without stepping out for once, he would have laughed out loud, saying it was the biggest joke ever, 'cause there was nothing that could keep him at a place for long. But there he was not leaving the house, afraid to leave Taehyung alone. He wanted to stick around until Taehyung could be relaxed and settled here.

He was thinking of ways he could help the younger to get more used to his newly found freedom. Maybe he could take him shopping so that they can buy a few pretty clothes for Taehyung as he might have been really tired of wearing Jungkook's boring clothes. Or perhaps he would take him out for dinner or for an ice cream? Or is it a good idea to take him to get his hair dyed? It will be good for a change.

He was thinking of all the plans from what flavor Taehyung would like to what color suits him the most in his head while adding the chocolate chips to the hot chocolate he was making for Taehyung when two arms snaked around his waist, hugging him from behind. It made his breath hitch and took him a minute to calm down and compose himself before turning his head back to see a huge pout on Taehyung's face.

He turned around to face the younger with a gentle smile, cupping his cheeks with both his hands. "Tae, do you want something?"

Taehyung shook his head vigorously in a 'No' with the same pout not leaving his lips. "No, I was bored…. you are not with me…I missed you." He had spent all his life alone and idly between the four walls which provided him nothing but emptiness. He just existed as an empty shell without feeling anything other than fear. Now that he has Jungkook in his life, he wants to spend every minute of his life with him. Even seconds feel like days when the bunny smile of his hyung is not in his sight.

"Three minutes, Tae. Your hot chocolate will be ready…then we can watch a movie? Or do you wanna play a game in the PC room?" He asked what the younger would prefer as one of his hands moved to tuck a few strands of the younger's hair behind his ear, keeping them away from covering the hazel brown orbs that were gazing into his own charcoal ones.

"Movie!" The cute brunette squealed, his voice saying it all how excited he was to watch the movie.

"Okay then…movie it is. Let me finish here, okay?" He smiled again when he saw the other nod cheerfully and patted above his head before turning back to garnish the hot chocolate.

"You can go sit at the ta-" He stopped midway when he felt the younger's hands again wrap themselves around him and interlinked with one another. "Want to be with you." Taehyung mumbled, resting his child resting over the other's shoulder and closed his eyes as a peaceful ambience surrounded them.

Both of them were living the best of their lives. Taehyung found comfort in Jungkook while Jungkook felt content with Taehyung. The older is the solace in the younger's life just as Taehyung is the serenity in Jungkook's world. They were both perfect with one another. They would never wish for anything more if they could stop the world at that moment.

"Oh? Oh My Gawddd!" The peaceful silence was broken by a teasing voice. They turned around, with Taehyung still hugging him from back, in the direction of the voice to see a Hoseok leaning against the wall behind them with an amused smirk on his lips.

“I must have saved the world in my previous life to be blessed with such a lovey-dovey sight everyday. Now…now we are becoming extremely domestic with morning cuddles and back hugs and all, aren't we?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes at the other's playful comments while Taehyung, oblivious to the meaning of those words, just smiled at the intruder.

Hoseok was once an aspiring psychologist despite failing to be one. So, he definitely knows how to talk and how to act to an emotionally scarred person so that they can open up to him, which helped him in the case of Taehyung. And him being one of the trusted friends of Jungkook added to his advantage to get close to the frightened boy.

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