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I'm Lucy Chen, I'm 13 starting at a new high school. My life hasn't been great at all, my biology parents didn't care for me. They left me to fend for myself and would abuse me. I was taken away from them at the age of 6 by the police and was placed into the foster system. I have been in and out of different homes for years, no one wants me. Nobody ever wants a trouble child.

Then 3 months ago, I was living on the street. I was laying down to get some rest when these two police officers come over. They told me that I had to go back to the foster centre, but I refused and that's when my sleeves on my shirt rolled up exposing my cutting scars and bruising. They questioned me and I spilled everything, I broke down and cried for a long time. The female officer wrapped her arms around me and I flinched but she ensured that I was safe.

They spoke and decided not to send me to the system, but they asked to adopt me. Why would they do this for me? They arranged it all and adopted me. The officers were Zoe Anderson and Wade Grey. For a while, I was on edge. Watching everything and they were patient with me, waited for me to go to them. When I felt comfortable they started taking me to the station to build a connection and gain trust.

They organised for me to meet with a therapist and help me through this. I get the thought of cutting but reframe from it. Knowing that it wouldn't help me but everything I heard and felt stayed in my head. But I was supported by Wade and Zoe, they helped me at every turn. Made sure i was ready before i did it. The new school year rolled around, I'm terrified of going. No friends and no where safe, I don't know this will go. 

The morning arrives and Zoe comes in.

Zoe: "Hey kiddo, it's time for your first day of school. I know you're nervous but you'll be okay. You know if anything or you don't want to be there call Wade or myself and we'll pick you up, okay?"

Lucy: "Okay." I start getting ready for the day. I make sure that my scars are covered as I know people will bully me because of them. We eat breakfast together and Wade calls to check up, letting me know that I'm to be okay. He head out and drive to the school. I see the school and take a big deep breath in. Zoe has already picked up on my unsettledness.

Zoe: "Hey, your okay. Remember take it at your speed and don't rush anything." I get out of the car and said goodbye to her, I start walking through the school. I get to the front desk and ask about my locker. As I walked to her locker, I felt people staring at me so I just minded my own business. This school is a maze, luckily there is a map that can help me.

I open my locker and put my belongings in, then grabbing my books for my first few classes. I headed to the first class, I just kept my head down and just kept to myself. When I entered, I didn't lift my head and head straight for the desk at the back of the room avoiding any weird interaction. The classes go by and it's now break time, I put my stuff in my locker and head out to a quiet tree.

I sit there focusing on my thoughts, when a couple of kids come up to me. I was reading a book when one of them took it off me, I look up at them.

Kid 1: "Hey, it's the new kid. You're such a weirdo being by yourself."

Kid 2: "Oh wait, I think I saw you on the streets. Oh wow you're an orphan kid, wonder who would care about you. You're so ugly." They tormented me a little longer before leaving. I wanted to go home but I thought I better stay a little longer, not to disappoint Wade and Zoe. I go back to my next few classes and there was nothing interesting that went on, I just sat in the back and stayed quiet the whole time.

Lunch rolls around and I find a vacant table to sit at all alone, eating a small amount of food. When I look up, I see a group of kids in my year all hanging out. They look extremely happy, I wish I deserved that but I know I don't deserve to be that happy.

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