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We arrive home, Angela helps me into the house. She guides me as I give her a house tour, then we go and sit on the couch.

Angela: "You ready for school?"

Lucy: "Not really, I'm just a little scared and worried."

Angela: "Your going to be okay. How about we go and you can try those clothes on you were talking about." We head to my room and I go to my closet. I pick up all the clothes that I don't wear and bring them to the bed.

Angela: "Wow, your room is amazing. Are these the clothes?" I nod at her in response.

Angela: "Hey, if you need a break at any time we will stop. Okay?" I start trying on clothes, they fit perfectly but I have doubts about how I look. Angela could tell how I was feeling as she approached my and wrapped her arms around me from behind.

Angela: "Luce, I know you're doubting yourself but you look amazing. You have a gorgeous body and anyone cannot say otherwise. You're perfect just the way you are, let's choose an outfit for tomorrow. Plus you have me, I know you are tough and I believe people will be scared of us."

Lucy: "Thanks Ang. How about this outfit? Let's head to bed to get a goodnight sleep."

Angela: "That outfit is amazing, how about I wea this so we can sort of match." I nod. We both head to bed.

In the morning, Zoe had to drag Angela and myself out of bed. I learnt that Angela wasn't a morning person either. We got ready for the day, Angela help cover my arm and any marks that needed to be covered. I was feeling much better, Angela suggested a photo and I couldn't resist saying no. We took a heap of different ones before getting in the car for school. Once we arrived I took a deep breathe.

Zoe: "If you girls need anything, please do not hesitate to call me or Wade."

Lucy: "Thanks mum."

Angela: "Hey, you gonna be okay. I'm here the whole time and you look incredible. You ready?" I nod and we leave the car. We see the others and head that direction. Angela grabs my hand for support and guides me over to them.

Nyla: "Omg, Lucy you're here. I hope you are feeling better."

Bailey: "Love your outfit, you're so beautiful. Glad you are okay."

Tim: "It's good having you back."

Jackson: "We are all going to hang an ice cream shop after school, you should come."

Angela (turns to Lucy): "See I told you, no one is here to judge you at all. They are very supportive." Everyone gives me a hug to welcome me back.

John: "What happen to your arm?"

Lucy: "Oh, I have a little accident at home that's all." We all headed to our class, before I knew it, it was break. Class went faster when Angela was in them. We were all sitting under a tree when the group that bullied me came over.

Toby: "Wow, these guys really accept you. Oh wait they don't know who you really are do they? You little -" He was interrupted by Angela.

Angela: "Seriously Toby, fuck off. We don't care about her past, we only care about her present. Besides, that's not your news to share. She will tell us when she is ready.

Toby: "Whatever. This just proves my point, you don't belong here." Tim stands up.

Tim: "Back off Toby, nobody invited you over. So I suggest you leave." He leaves, I start panicking and Angela saw me.

Angela: "Hey. Luce. Look at me follow my breaths, remember. In 1..2..3 and Out 1..2..3." I follow Angela breathing but still not completely calm. Angela grabs my hands and places on her chest, so I can feel her heart beat. Everyone is watching in shock as this unfolds. I calm down but am about to cry, when Angela pulls me in for a hug. Hiding my face from the others.

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