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We get ready and Tim drives us to the mall.

Lucy: "Thanks babe, I'll text you when we are getting ready to be picked up."

Tim: "Ok baby." I give him a kiss and walks in the mall to meet the others. We like to jump from shop to shop, we never skip a shop unless it doesn't relate to us.

It's therapy for all of us, we get to break out of the stress of school and everything else. We all have so many bags. We find a table and got some food.

Bailey: "Sometimes, I don't know why I date John. He can be so stupid."

Genny: "Well, he is an idiot but you do love him."

Bailey: "I mean it's true. You guys can't tell me that you have problems with your boyfriends."

Nyla: "I mean James forgot where he put his homework, when it was right in his hand."

Angela: "Wesley is so kind, he doesn't notice somethings but he still is good." I stay quiet because there's nothing to complain about.

Genny: "Lucy, what about Tim?"

Lucy: "To be honest, he is amazing. He takes good care of me, being there for me when I need him and he also is willing to run to the shops at night to get me anything I need. He does anything he can to help me whenever I'm in pain, he always hates seeing me in pain."

Tamara: "He sounds amazing, you got lucky." We started bitching about our teachers and how annoying they are. We are all excited as we're getting close to summer break, which means no school.

After shopping for hours, I text Tim to let him know we're ready to leave and he picks us up. They arrive home and goes inside.

Lucy: "Hey mum, this is Tamara. Tamara this is Zoe my adopted mother." They shake hands.

Zoe: "May I ask if that's okay, what's your background story?" Tamara was stunned.

Tamara: "How?"

Zoe: "Your acting in a similar way that Lucy did when I first meant her." Tamara sighs.

Tamara: "My parents were killed in a crash, I ended up in foster care. I left and ended up on the streets."

Zoe: "I'm so sorry Tamara. Where are you staying? And is it safe?" Tamara tenses up.

Tamara: "I have no where to go and no belongings at all."

Zoe: "Okay, well I don't want to over step but if you want you can stay with us here."

Tamara: "Are you sure?" She nods.

Zoe: "Well, now you have a choice. You can stay in this house or you can stay next door with the others." Tamara decides to join us next door. They all walk into the house next door, I helps Tamara get set up into a room. Genny and I both give Tamara a few pieces of clothing and products.

They all go to sleep. During the night, I was woken up by someone crying out. She sneaks out of her room and finds Tamara in the middle of a bad dream. I run over to Tamara.

Lucy: "Tamara, it's a bad dream. You need to wake up." Tamara jolts up, covered in sweat and is panicking.

Lucy: "Hey, you're okay."

Tamara: "L-Lu-Lucy."

Lucy: "Yeah, I'm here." I hug Tamara and calms her down. I didn't want to pry and force her to share with me.

Tamara: "I had a nightmare or flashback, I was back there it's scary."

Lucy: "What? Where were you?"

Tamara: "I was ashamed to tell you guys, I got raped a few times."

Lucy: "Oh Tamara, it's hard having to fend for yourself." We continue talking for a bit, then I went to leave.

Tamara: "Lucy, I don't want to be needy, but could you stay with me please. I feel so safe with you." I agree and we fall asleep.

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