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Wade: "What's really going on Luce?"

Lucy: "There's this group of kids that have been bullying me about everything, it suck because they just see me as an orphan. Then on my first day, I sat alone at lunch and saw this table full of friends. I wished I had something like that and had friends that care about me, but the voice of my mum took over telling me I don't deserve to be happy. That was the day I went to your house, the kids saw me under the tree and started at it again. The through of cutting was too strong for me, I just wanted to take the pain away. I'm sorry." I took a breathe.

Lucy: "Today, was okay. At lunch, two girls came up and introduce themselves. They invited me to the table, I sat there quietly listen to the conversation. One of them asked me about eating, I lied saying I had ate a lot because the voice was telling me that I needed to lose weight and I'm not pretty, I'm very ugly. One of the girls, had the same classes as me so I sat with her. She would constantly check on me making sure that I was okay. They invited me to hang out, we went to the beach. On the walk over I had a moment in the bathroom, I was crying because I saw my bio parents and she gestured some mean things at me. At the beach, the group were playing volleyball, they asked me to join but I lied because I couldn't play sport when it was mostly because of my cuts. I didn't want them to see or know, I was offered food. It was amazing but because of my body not being use to it I ran to the bathroom and threw up. The same girl came and checked on me, I told her that I was heading home and she acknowledge that I wasn't quiet okay. Then here we are."

Zoe: "Okay, we'll have somethings to help you with. If you want to call us mum and dad, we don't mind. Whatever you are comfortable with. Those people sound lovely and you deserve to be happy, give them a chance. If your struggle too much then we will pull you out of school and you can go back when you're ready." I nod and hug her. We start talking about everything.

While with the Gang

Angela has just said goodbye to Lucy, she headed back to the group.

James: "Where's Lucy?"

Angela: "She went home."

Nyla: "What? Why?"

Angela: "I don't know, she wasn't looking good. I told her on the way here if she became overwhelmed with everything then she could leave and just to let me know."

Tim: "We don't need to know anything about what's going on. The main thing is that we are there for and support her. We can all agree that she would make a great fit into our group."

Genny: "I agree, she'll tell us if/when she is ready. Wait can we message her?"

Angela: "Damn it, we didn't get her number. How are we going to check on her?"

Bailey: "We'll check on her tomorrow at school." They all agree and continue their day at the beach.

The next day Lucy is still in the hospital. The group arrives at school and start their day. By the time lunch rolls around Angela gets worried. Everyone is sitting at the table.

Angela: "Has anyone seen Lucy at all today?" Everyone shakes her head.

Nyla: "Okay, now I don't like this. Let's go to reception to ask about her."

Tim: "I'm coming with you two." Angela, Nyla and Tim leave the group and head to reception. The others continue their lunch together. Once they arrive at reception, they walk in.

Receptionist: "Hello, what may I help you with?"

Tim: "We were wondering if Lucy Chen came to school today. We are worried and are her friends."

Receptionist: "Okay, let me check... Ah yes, it appears that she isn't at school today. Her parents called in saying that she isn't well and will not be here for a bit of time."

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