"Im so happy to see you again!" p1

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Little introduction

WELL HELLO 👋 YOU REMUS LUPIN LOVING PEOPLE, if u read this then I hope u like it okay have fun!

Part 1

"Yn wake up now!" My mother shouts up the stairs angrily so I open my eyes carefully as not to do it too fast so that the light doesn't hurt my eyes, I've never been a morning person. I can hear my parents argue about something but I've learned to drown it out so I sigh and sit up stiffly ready to get dressed to go to platform 9 3/4, I'm so not ready for seventh year, at least I'm with my best friends. I stand up, my feet hurting from moving too quickly, I then go over to my Matt black drawers and get out my favourite clothes and put them on with my eyes still half closed, "yn we're leaving in 10 minutes hurry up!" My father shouts up the stairs like my mother only 5 minutes ago.
"Be down in a second" I shout down the stairs from my room so they can hear me. I never got on with my parents as they favoured my younger sibling Avery, I hated him, he always got me in trouble and liked to watch my mother shout at me calling me worthless.

I walked downstairs with my case in hand and phone in the other with headphones over my ears blasting my favourite music, I'm yawning quietly and I haven't even woken up fully yet. I feel the wooden stairs thudding as I lugged my case down each step slowly so I don't fall, I just about hear my father mumble over my loud music, his face is contorted into anger "Come on, hurry up or you will miss the train"
I arrive at the landing of the stairs and see my mother and Avery standing there in their formal clothes ready to take me to the station.
"What on gods earth are you wearing"my mother look appalled by my normal clothes, I look to the floor and turn up my music using my phone. I see Avery smirking at our mother's response from the corner of my eye and then I feel my father's hand on my shoulder and we apperate.

I feel my stomach lurch and we are suddenly at the station entrance, we walk in, my parents with pride and I tiredly.
I look up when they stop and feel a gust of wind as a train pulls in then I see the wall we have to cross through. My brother first, then my parents, and finally me. I walk through with ease yet still clench my eyes closed just like I did the first time because it's now become a habit, i say my goodbyes to my family and leave as the train is about to exit the station, the man with the whistle calls out saying that the train is boarding its last passengers. I quickly hand over my case to the person putting them on the back of the train and quickly get into the train. The whistle blows and the train starts moving, I wave to my 'loving family' and all I receive was a warning stare from my parents saying don't embarrass us.

I look around the compartments to either find an empty one or one with my friends, I come across the latter first, as I pull the cold metal handle to move the stiff door, I see my friends faces perk up as they see me. Lila the gorgeous blonde with long curly hair and animated blue eyes jumps up and hugs me tightly and so I hug her back with a genuine smile on my face.
"Lila, I'm so happy to see you again" I laugh happily.
Lila sits back down and Sadie and Silas stand up and each give me a short squeeze, I smile, I'm so happy to see them again.
"It's been ages, and you've left me with this nutter" Silas says with a grin pointing at his unamused twin who's glaring daggers and then pulls his short but curly jet black hair, identical In colour to his sisters but hers is straight and down to her waist.
Lila laughs and so do I, I sit next to Lila and catch up with them about what they've done over the summer. About 15 minutes later I tell them I'm exhausted and put my earphones over my ears and fall asleep to my overly loud music.


Hi it's Megan pls tell me if u enjoyed 😁👌

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