"Do you like to read?"P7

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The rest of the lesson sucked and I tried to go to sleep to no avail,
It is now 10:54pm and I was bored out of my mind from sitting in Snape's classroom for detention, with him snoring away at his desk, so I decided to leave, technically I should have left half an hour ago but Snape gave me an extra hour because I said that I didn't want to be here, asshole.

I put my robe back over my uniform and tip-toed out of the mostly closed door, it squeaked a bit and I looked to Snape with my scrunched up face and only a cautious glance so I could see if he woke then run for it, if he did.
Luckily he just mumbled-
"I do, Lily"
I have no clue what that was about, I walked out of the door and started running down the freezing corridors laughing, and as I rounded a corner I noticed a tall figure about 2 feet in front of me, at lightning speed and only a distance of 2 feet I calculated immediately that I would not have enough time to stop without creating my own custom bowling but with people.

The figure saw me then put his arms out to catch me, but the embrace was so familiar, oh you've got to be fucking joki-
"It's almost like you enjoy falling into me"
Lupin smirks at me
"No, actually I'm getting pretty sick of it"
I grumble releasing myself from his arms which seemed almost hesitant to let me go, I look at him and realise that he is paler than usual.
"You look sick are you okay?"
I ask with genuine concern, he is taken aback by my question and says-
"Yeah just feel a bit under the weather"
He smiles then coughs proving he is downplaying his illness, for some reason seeing him in this state makes me want to help him get better as soon as possible, how weird,
I wonder what that's all about.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I just didn't want you to ignore me anymore"
I say sheepishly, he simply smiles and says-
"It's okay, it was rather amusing actually, I normally only get pranks from the Weasley twins and ever since Molly sent them a howler in the middle of breakfast, they have put a hold of their prank making. Its a shame really, it gave all of the professors something to laugh about"

My genuine smile overtakes my features, and I take notice of him looking at me with curiosity, I can tell he is itching to ask me something so I say-
"What is it?"
He then asks-
"How comes one minute your trying to annoy me, then your smiling at me?"
I just shrug and say-
"I don't know"
Oh I did know but I was never going to tell him , tell him that his attention on me made me forget my awful existence, which included my awful parents who only argue or shout at me, my brother that snitches and makes up crap to simply watch me be shouted at, or be put in our basement as a punishment if I did something really bad like get anything less than outstandings on my exams. And then there was Snape, Need I explain more. Oh and not to mention that half the time I was awake I had my own brain saying awful things to me. But no, I would never tell him that he made all the bad things in my life go away simply because he existed around me....

"You look really unwell, let me take you to your quarters so you can rest"
I said with genuine care and the voice that meant I wouldn't take no for an answer.
"Okay, I guess even if I said no then you would drag me"
He said amused

We arrive at his classroom and I look at the tall man with confusion
"This isn't your room"
He pointed to a small hidden staircase, I nodded and we walked up. We get to his room and he opens the door with his wand, we walk in and he asks me-
I nod.

I look around the old room with stacks upon stacks of book cases filled with books of all colours, and the wood holding up the books that was carved into stunning patterns that all intricately joined together.
"It's beautiful"
He looks at me as he stirs in the milk,
"What is?"
"Your room, the books, the wood"
He smiles and turns his attention back to the tea.
"Do you like to read?"
He asks
"Sometimes, though never for leisure, always work. My parents would only let me have educational books"
I sigh remembering my sad reality,
"You can borrow some of these if you wish"
He gently says as he brings the tea to where Im standing, gives me a cup then sits on the sofa. I join him and we talk about our lives, although I never mention anything about my family, and divert the topic onto a new one if we do end up on that.

He starts to get paler and I tentatively say -
"You look even sicker than earlier, come with me"
I stand up off the sofa putting my almost finished tea down on the side table, and lead him to his bedroom.
He sits on his bed and I ask-
"Can I read one of the only leisure books I've read but think is the best?"
He nods, I smile and sit on the edge of the bed next to him. I wave my wand and say the summoning charm, a muggle book appears in my hands, Lupin looks at me and sees the book,
"That's one of my favourites too"
He smiles and then goes on to say-
"Call me Remus, professor Lupin sounds too formal when we're having a conversation nothing to do with work"
I mirror his expression, open the book called Jane Eyre and begin reading, before I know it I hear his breathing slow and slowly my consciousness drifts away.

I'm not sure if I like this one or not but its here so ima have to deal with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Rage and Lust Reader x Professor Lupin discontinued:(Where stories live. Discover now