" i had forgotten how beautiful it looked at night" p3

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I finally arrive at the massive wooden doors at Hogwarts once again, back for another year.

I am enchanted by its beauty from the outside, the dull lights from inside shining through the windows creating a magical atmosphere.
The sky was pitch black with only a faint sprinkle of stars across the sky, the cold wind brushing through the tall spruce trees and long forgotten.
I hadn't realised it but I was stopped in my tracks from being so mesmerised by the scenery, a figure walks up from behind me and stops next to me to admire the night.
"I had forgotten how beautiful it looked at night"
He said with his honey like voice (that I despised) with his hands in his pockets,
I say too distracted to care if I had previously been in a very awkward position not even 10 minutes ago.

" we should get going, they will be starting the ceremony to welcome the first years soon"
Lupin said whilst looking at me with a warm expression and a soft voice, I nodded my head and we walk in one after another.

As we arrive at the main hall people are too distracted and happily chatting to even notice us, even the teachers at the front table.
We part ways without a second glance and I go to sit next to Sadie at the Slitherin table,
"You left me, why?"
I say with an unamused face, Sadie, Silas and Lila look at me.
I see an angry Silas hand over 5 sickles to Lila who has a smirk on her face.
Sadie then says to me "Silas bet Lila that the train would leave to go back to platform 9 3/4 with you still on it"
I shake my head and Dumbledore calls for everyone's attention which quiets the hall quickly. He rambles on about not going into the forbidden Forrest, introduces professor lupin and then mentions how we will find happiness with the most unexpected people,
our eyes meet and he had that weird sparkle in his eye.

He finishes his speech and the first years get sorted into their houses, though one did cry when he got put in Slytherin which I thought was pretty funny.
Eventually Dumbledore snapped his fingers and mountains of glorious looking food appeared on all four tables, and the teachers table.
We dug in and it was great cause all of my favourite things were there.

The feast finished and me and my friends went to chill in the common room,
It was freezing in there so we all sat in a row on the sofa next to the fire with a thick white blanket over us, we talked about our bets for the year on who will get together, Lila bet Silas that Mcgonagal would end up with Snape by the end of the year, which is a match made in hell,
And I bet Sadie that Dumbledore would end up with Mcgonagal by the end of the year.

Silas retreated to his room a while ago and Lila was walking up to hers with her luscious golden locks bouncing behind her, oh how I was jealous.
Me and Sadie were sat on the sofa close together for another ten minutes under the blanket to keep warm.
We were chatting about nothing relevant and went to retire to our room as it was getting late, it was about one in the morning at this point, I would certainly regret this in the morning.

Rage and Lust Reader x Professor Lupin discontinued:(Where stories live. Discover now