"Whats wrong professor?" p5

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Hi it's Megan I know there's like no one reading this but it's okay I just wanted to test my writing skills.
P.S it's gonna be a long one,
Okay back to the story
I have detention with lupin at 6, it's currently 4:30, I really don't want to go cause Lupin is such an asshat.
I'm sitting in my room on my bed studying for the exams at the end of the year and I know if I don't get mostly outstandings, my parents will bury me.
No joke....

Just as I'm about to rip my hair out from this awfully boring study session Lila and Sadie walk in, thank the gods,
Lila skips to my bed from the door happily and flips onto my bed making her blonde hair go everywhere and cover my books.
She sighs happily and Sadie just stands at the door with her arms crossed and leaning on the frame, the unsurprised face she has tells me everything.
Lila has yet ANOTHER crush, time to buckle in this will be a long evening of her talking about the 'man of her dreams' non-stop.

I sigh once again and pull her hair out of her face and she twists it my way, a massive grin overcomes her small features and with rosy cheeks she says-
"It's Sirius Black"
I'm shook-
She simply responds to me with-
"Yeah and he is hot"
What the actual heck, my jaw is open in disbelief.

"How do you even know what he looks like?"
I ask.
She meekly pulls out a newspaper from her hands that I didn't even see she had, I grab it off her and read the title:
Sirius black escaped Azkaban after 12 years of being incarcerated!
My jaw drops lower and sounding very concerned I say-
"We have to be careful because it said that his last sighting was near Hogwarts, hopefully he doesn't come here"
Sadie then chips in-
"I bet old Lila here doesn't quite agree with that"
I look at Lila who is staring off into space with a small smile on her face.
"This is the worst one she has liked yet"
I say worriedly.

We chat a bit more about Sirius black and try our best to convince Lila that he is a bad person yet her response half the time was
And I quote "yeah, but he is hot" i then had to look over at the newspapers moving picture to see if I had missed something, but nope it was just his screaming face on the front, and by the looks of it he hadn't showered at all, like, since 12 years ago...
I glance over at my phone and check the time 5:58PM

Shit, I run out of the room as fast as I can leaving the questioning girls behind and race down the corridors, I hear filch say to me as I run past "slow down you'll scare mrs Norris" with an angry expression which even the devil himself couldn't match.
I check my phone whilst running at the speed of light and see 5:59 oh no.
I see the door to his classroom 30 feet ahead of me and race to get to the door before 6 pm, I'm almost at the door and I slide to a stop and grab onto the edge of the doorframe with my hand closest to it for dear life and skid so fast that when I reach the door I fall flat on my face and I know he saw me, oh how embarrassing I just want to crawl into a deep dark hole and never return.

I stand up carefully and immediately, I can feel hot liquid pouring down my mouth onto the floor, it hurts like a bitch and there is a pool of my blood on the floor in no time.
"Oh my god are you okay" Lupin says with a genuinely concerned tone, he rushed over to me and grabs a box of tissues on the way out.
When he reaches where I'm stood he lifts a tissue to my face tentatively, he dabs it to soak up the blood still pouring like lava, I stare at him with confusion at the fact he is trying to help me when I have been nothing but rude to him. He looks at me and sees I'm staring yet does the same and continues to dab the tissue.

One word, butterfly's, that's what I felt when I stare into his eyes that were oh so close to mine yet it still feel too far away, his hand cupping my cheek is as soft as anything and the way he is dabbing my face with his other hand is so caring like he doesn't want to hurt me.

He coughs and looks away slightly blushing yet his hand is still cupped on my cheek and I never want it to let go, but I do let go.
"I will clean up my blood on the floor then I can start my detention professor" I say softly, he nodded still looking away not bringing himself to look at my curious eyes and he walks away back into his classroom and sits at his desk. I do as I said then I put the blood soaked tissues in the bin, as I do that I see my reflection in the glass cabinet in front of me and it looks like I just ate someone from the blood soaked skin.
I wet a tissue and wipe my face clean of the blood and sit at a desk in the middle of my room.

It's silent and it feels too awkward for me so I say "I could have stopped the blood spilling myself" and he doesn't say anything so I continue,
"I didn't need your help"
He has slight anger and impatience in his eyes and responds with-
" I know I was just trying to help"
To annoy him more I say-
"Didn't need it"
I'm smirking by this point just glad that the awkwardness disappeared, even though I pissed him off.

"Get your paper, quill and ink out you are going to write, 'I will not shout' on 2 sheets"
Says Lupin, I frown unhappily and go to grab my paper from my bag, crap I forgot my bag cause I was in such a rush.
"I forgot my bag I was so preoccupied with getting here on time"
I say and he sighs and responds with-
"Come here then and I will give you what you need"
I already am bored of this detention and want to spice it up. So when Im walking to go over to professor Lupin he points out where the paper and quill I was meant to be using is and I went to the other side of him on purpose.
As I reach to grab the paper, quill and ink I put my chest close to his face and since I'm wearing my own clothes that are quite small he can see a lot of cleavage.
I'm smirking and when I pull back with the items in my hands, his face is as red as a cherry,
"What's wrong professor"
I say innocently and he stutters with his words before he mumbles out-
"Go back to your desk"
And I see this as my opportunity to say-
"But do I not smell nice professor?"
And put my chest close to his face again and he is so red, I'm smirking so wide it hurts.
He looks so awkward and just says quietly-
"Go back to your dorm you already have had enough of a punishment with your bloody nose"
I put the items down and walk away out of his classroom with a wide evil smile whilst shaking my ass on the way out.

oh this will be fun.

Rage and Lust Reader x Professor Lupin discontinued:(Where stories live. Discover now