"Are you jealous my love?"P12

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I told Sadie, Silas and Lila what happened between me and a certain professor, they soaked up every word like a person dying of thirst.
I have been avoiding and ignoring Remus Lupin for 2 and 1/2 weeks, as much as it pains me to know that he went to The Three Broomsticks with another witch, I still miss him and his scent that was something like books mixed with tea and chocolate.
It was heavenly.

It is now a Wednesday and winter was in full swing, with the icy grounds and harsh temperatures I didn't have much of a chance to go out, that is without either falling over on ice and getting a concussion or getting hypothermia.
I was bored, I was sick of the castle, it had felt like I counted every brick that stabilised the bland castle.
It felt like I walked up every step, memorised every painting, and got to know every kitchen elf during my midnight walks to try to cure the boredom that plagued every inch of my brain and skull until I finally cracked.
I risked walking on the ice covered concrete that evening, the weather that was deathly cold seemed more fun to go out and risk DYING, than staying indoors, even for only a few more seconds.

We had all Quiditch matches cancelled as well as all Hogsmead trips, and we had been warned by Professor Dumbledore himself to stay inside as going out would put our lives at serious risk,
I had to escape this castle that was in desperate need of some colour.

And so I did.

I double checked that no one was behind me in the empty hallway when my foot stepped onto the new ice rink that became of our previous concrete floor,
My body begged me to stay in because of the serious danger, but my mind was made up of the decision I suited best.
One foot down, one to go.
I cautiously put my other leg out and foot down onto the ice, my hands turning white from the grip I had on the stone pillar next to the door, so I could catch myself if I started falling.

I breathed out a sigh of relief as the frozen ice beneath me didn't seem to make my body collapse,
Even though the wind hurt my eyes I enjoyed every, single, second.
I breathed in and out freely, still clutching the stone pillar tightly.
Hands dragged my body backwards into the castle and i ended up in a heap on the floor with someone who smelt of books, tea and chocolate. Damn, it was Lupin.
I turned over to face him and say heatedly-
"Leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you!"
I put my hands on my hips and then noticed I was straddling him, well this reminds me of the thestral carriage.
I get up suddenly and brush my casual jumper and leggings down, then walk of to try my best to go back to ignoring and avoiding him.

"Yn, wait!"
He sounded desperate, my body betrayed me and came to a halt, screw you body.

He caught up to me and then coughed slightly clearing his throat.
"We need to talk, now"
I go to walk away slowly whilst saltily saying-
"No we don't, you went on a date with a witch, what else is there to talk about"
With anger he walks briskly in front of me, then grabs my shoulders and slam me into the abandoned hallways wall-
(AN this is so toxic and I'm here for it😫)
- whilst getting extremely close to my body.
His face looks like a mixture of pure rage and lust, he then says to me lowly-
"Are you jealous my love?"
My body is hot and my cheeks are rosy, and although my exterior presents a facade that is unamused and cool, my insides are turning with anxiousness and butterflies.

I argue, his cruel smirk on his face looks like it belongs to someone else.
He pushes my shoulders more into the wall and I use all of my strength that I have in the moment, to flip us, so that I'm now the one harshly pushing his upper arms into the wall.
His arms were like rocks, they were solid.
It was turning me on massively.
Although his face presented shock it didn't last long then went to an amused smirk/smile.
He was enjoying this, not for long I thought.

"It was my cousin, I wasn't on a date"
He whispered in my ear.
I was so happy, yet continued my teasing because it was hella fun.

"By the looks of it honey, your the one that is the most affected"
I whispered into his ear, his breathing is jagged and uneven. My evil smirk now presents my inner feelings, Im enjoying the teasing thoroughly.
I let go and smile as I turn to walk away seductively,
As I go to walk away once again, he stops me, he grabs my wrist and turns me to face him, and then kisses me deeply.
I have no problem obliging, I kiss him deeper and grab the side of his beautiful, soft, scarred face to deepen it even more.
The heat between us could light a fire and my head is dizzy from all of the sudden excitement.

Rage and Lust Reader x Professor Lupin discontinued:(Where stories live. Discover now