"Oh my god! its true"P11

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Last night I ended up running to my dorm, and in there I found Sadie sitting on her bed watching TikTok on her phone.
She looked up at me when I burst in the door and saw my tear stained and puffy face,
She didn't say anything but she walked over to me and just hugged me, it felt nice.
We stood there for a while and when I calmed down she pulled my hand in hers over to her bed and sat me down on it,
Sadie wasn't one to talk much but her actions told me all that I wanted to hear,
That she was here for me when I needed.

I sat on her bed next to her leaning against the wooden headboard, she grabbed her phone and we watched TikTok together.
Eventually I fell asleep and when I woke up I was in my bed.
It's a Saturday and we're allowed to go to Hogsmead, all of the events from last night came rushing back.
I wanted to cry but I didn't, I couldn't cry anymore, all of my tears were used up.
I needed a distraction.
I realised that I still had Remus's jacket on and it smelt of him, once again my body insisted that I be with his yet I denied and denied.

I got up and got ready in warm winter clothes, and hid his jacket, to go to Hogsmead,
Me, Lila and Silas went to Hogsmead together, Sadie couldn't join us as she didn't have permission because her parents deemed that it would be better for her to do some work instead as she was a bit behind.
She was not happy at all,
As we were walking through the town covered in a thin layer of frost, I decided that I needed to get some Firewhiskey as I had finished my last bottle a week and a half ago. Lila and Silas went to The Three Broomsticks, and I said I would meet them there.

I reached the alcohol shop and picked up a bottle of Firewhiskey, I went to the cashier and pulled out my fake ID,
As I was leaving the shop I put the expensive bottle in my coat pocket, at least there is one benefit to a pure blooded family, the money.
I headed off to
The Three Broomsticks.
As I walked in the door warm air gushed at my face, and I was grateful they had the heating on.

I saw Lila and Silas in a booth at the back and went over to them with a smile temporarily forgetting the whole Lupin fiasco, I sat next to Lila and showed her the goods.
We were talking and a larger woman came over to our table, three Butterbeers in her hands,
She put it on the table and smiled then left,
I took a sip of the warm liquid and sighed, happy I had my friends with me, we continued talking for 2 more hours, that is till I spotted Lupin walk in..
With ANOTHER woman,
I shouldn't be jealous, I wasn't allowed to be, I left him at the astronomy tower not the other way around.
But jealousy was coursing through my blood.

Lila and Silas saw me looking at Lupin with plain jealousy,
"Why are you staring at him"
Lila asks confused, taking another sip of her drink getting a foam moustache.
Silas's face lights up with a devilish smile and he says gradually getting louder-
"Well it's obvious that professor LUPIN IS THE ONE SHE SLEPT WI-"
I whip my head around to look at him and shove my hand over his mouth murmuring angrily-
"Don't, you, dare"
"Oh my god, it's true!"
Lila says in shock, I turn my angry gaze over to her and that shut her up.
"I will explain later if you two promise that there will be no more discussion of this topic"
They both nodded excitedly looking like dogs about to get a bone.

I stare at Remus discreetly trying to lip read, I can't. He then puts his hand on hers and smiles wide.

I walk over to there at a cheetah's pace and he looks at me then removed his hand as if he was ashamed, shock takes over his expression.
My cheeks are red with anger and tears are spilling down my face once more, though my breathing is heavy I say-
"How could you"
His stupid face looks completely confused, I almost feel bad then I see his guilty look.
"Did last night mean NOTHING AT ALL!"
I say as my voice heightens.
"Yn I can expla-"
"Yn please"

I storm out and run as quick as my legs will go, I turn around to see if he is trying to follow, he isn't but I see him standing at the door of The Three Broomsticks, he has a sad face.
I run to an abandoned stairwell and sob,
I take out the Firewhiskey and start gulping it down when I'm not sobbing.

A good 20 minutes and half a bottle of Firewhiskey later and I finally start to feel better, my heart now only breaking silently, not through cries of pain.
Minerva Mcgonagal is walking down the corridor with her, usually stern face,
she notices me and rushes over now looking sympathetic.
"Oh my dear, what's happened"
I start crying again, she stands me up then notices I can't keep my balance very well.
"Have you been drinking?"
She scolds lightly? I hiccup and she says-
"I can smell the Firewhiskey on you"
I just look at her sadly, she puts one of my arms around her and we walk to her office.

Once we reach our destination we sit down on the couch and she says sweetly-
"What's the matter dear"
I look at her having partially sobered up and respond with-
"Guy troubles"
She sighs and says
"We've all been there, it's something that is part of growing up"
I nod
"I'm guessing that this has something to do with Professor Lupin?"
I snap my previously lowered head towards hers and she nods as her suspicion is confirmed.

"How did you know?"
I say bewildered.
"I was checking if there were no students out of bed last night and stumbled upon music, as I went to investigate, I saw you two dancing"
I sigh looking down once more,
"It's okay, I won't tell anyone"
I put my eyes on her and smiled lightly.

I explain the whole story and she listened patiently, her response was-
"Wow, I think I need some Firewhiskey after that"
I hand her the bottle and though she looks
surprised she takes a swig.
She has no reaction, wow.
"Agh this stuff reminds me of the good old days"
I look at her quizzically and she says
"A story for another time, now off with you, dinner is starting in the great hall"
I nod and thank her, then leave her office heading to the great hall for some bread to fully sober me up.
It's been one hell of a day.

I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I hope Lupin wasn't on a date, well I don't have to hope cause I know what will happen🤣👌.
I love writing SO MUCH though it takes me an hour for each chapter😭.
Okay byeeee

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