Viola P10

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*when you see 🎧 press play on the video, trust me on this*

Recap-before I knew it I was walking in the freezing pitch black all the way up to the castle in only a top.-


I was walking so quickly up the steep, rocky, dirt path, my breathing heavy and the smoke coming out of my mouth was from my warm breath and the icy wind clashing.
My feet so cold I'm sure I have pneumonia, each step hurts. My head banging from the thoughts of what my parents would say if they found out about Professor Lupin mixed with the icy temperature.
My arms are folded together to try and keep even slightly warm, I haven't got my wand on me to even cast a warming charm.
I really regret not bringing my coat.

I reach the castles back entrance and I go to wipe my face of the tears I didn't realise were dripping from my eyes from the thought of my parents, I open the small wooden door and the inside is no warmer than outside.
I didn't want Sadie, Silas and Lila to see me like this again so I walked quickly to the astronomy tower, the endless steps hurt my frozen feet more but I continued too preoccupied by my mind and it's awful scenarios of what my parents would do to me if I went home without all O's.

I reached the top of the tower and the tears were flowing faster and more aggressively,
I dragged myself over to the side of the tower with the last of my energy, and fell slowly to the ground using the stone wall as support.
I was half laying half sitting on the ground, my body now numb that the rough stone wasn't something I could feel.
My hair draped in my face covering it as I was facing the floor with my tears dripping to the frozen stone floor,
If my parents saw me now then they would be so disappointed and say something like 'we knew you were weak Yn and you are not welcome at our house anymore'
I sobbed into the air until my eyes were red and puffy, my heart drained of all emotion and my mind still felt like exploding from the thoughts.
Crying slowly I looked up to the sky to see stars scattered across the universe, so messy yet beautiful, it reminded me of my friendship with Sadie, Silas and Lila, it was always 2 arguing about something small yet I wouldn't trade them for the world.
I cried out in pain so overwhelmed and that's when I heard soft footsteps of someone coming up the tower.

It was Remus, he saw me and rushed over and knelt down next to my frail body, his hand caressed my arm and he quietly muttered
"My god your freezing"
I looked at him through my red eyes and he was taking of his jacket.
He put it over my shoulders and my crying hadn't slowed down in the slightest, once again I noticed the cold from the jacket warming me up a bit and I felt less numb, I shivered and he sat next to me and pulled my body into his.
I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head oh his shoulder. Remus held onto me tighter providing me something I hadn't felt since the night I woke up in his arms, security.

My crying slowed massively in the space of 2 minutes, Remus just rocked me slightly and whispered into my ear-
"It's okay, it's all going to be okay"
Over and over, I was so relieved he was here, I pulled back slightly and looked at his sympathetic eyes and muttered a thank you.
He smiled slightly and I put my head back on his shoulder, the top half of my body still draped over his.
A couple minutes later he gently said to me-
"What's got you so sad?"
I looked at him and said-
"My parents-"
I choked back a sob and he saw my eyes watering once again, so this time he said-
"I know how to make you feel better"
He stood up and then held his hand out for me so I held on then stood up.

He picked his want out of his back pocket then swished it

🎧 (please read this slowly to make music match text)

He put his hand out then said-
"May I?"
I nodded smiling, he wanted to dance.
I put my arms around his neck and his wrapped around my waist under his jacket that was still on my shoulders, he looked at me once more and asked-
"Is this okay"
I again nodded and smiled,
He started swaying to the rhythm gently and I rested my head on his shoulders once more while facing the stars, it was everything I had wanted since I woke up in his arms, to touch him again. This man was completely in control of me and he had no clue, his touch electrifying, my body was on fire, not even the freezing autumn wind could be felt.
He grabbed one of my hands from around his neck and held it in his own as if we were dancing in a ball as the music got slightly louder but still gentle making it almost all that I could hear.

"I wanted to talk to you, to say sorry, I know you have been avoiding me"
He muttered in my ear,
"For what Remus, you haven't done anything"
I softly spoke looking in his warm brown and hazel eyes, he smiled and looked down.
I gracefully moved my hand to under his stubbled chin to pull it back up to look at me, his eyes rose to mine in the most adorable way, I put my hand back in his and whispered-
"I'm happy I got to be close to you"
He frowned, looked in my eyes and defeatedly said-
"I'm your professor"
I responded to this without a care in the world and smiling widely-
"I don't care"

His arm around my waist pulled me closer to him which was virtually impossible because our bodies were already flush against each other, I could feel his abs and I loved every second of it. We were moving side to side slowly but gradually stepped forwards and back, he then spun me with one of his hands.
We reconnected and I was staring into his honey eyes, I tried memorising them and the rest of his face that was illuminated by the moonlight, it was perfect.
"What a beautiful song"
I whispered,
"It's one of my favourites"
He whispered back, his lips so close to my ear I could feel his breath on it and it sent shivers up my spine, my heart pounding and I'm sure he could hear it.
My suspicions were confirmed when he said huskily-
"Sweetheart, I can hear your heart pounding from here"
I blushed and he saw as he stared into my eyes, his were tracing my face and all of a sudden I felt nervous, he then said-
"No need to be nervous"
Damn could he read my mind?!
The song was soft and our swaying was changing pace to the rhythm, and then he dipped me, his face even closer to me which felt so good. He pulled me back up and I rested my head on his closing my eyes, we swayed a little more, the heat was ecstatic.
He opened his eyes and so did I, we stared at each other with lust and care, he leaned in and so did I closing my eyes, our lips almost touched.
What was I doing, this is my professor.
I immediately stepped back letting go of his body. I looked in his eyes that portrayed hurt, I felt awful, I just wanted to run into his arms and tell him that I'm here for him. But I didn't.
"I-I'm sorry"
I muttered then left running down the stairs,
I was crying yet again, I want to be in his arms, his presence, I wanted him.
But in my parents note it specifically said:

No boyfriends, no distractions.

I couldn't let down my parents, I wouldn't have a home if so. But my body is begging me to go back to him, but I continue running with tears clouding my vision. My emotions were mixed and I didn't know what to do.


Wow, that was....
I'm makes me want to cry tbh

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