"Probably climbing Snape mountain"P8

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I yawn and really don't want to get up, but this is where I realise I'm not alone. Something is around me and I'm nice and warm and really don't want to move.
I open my eyes hesitantly and then I see the sleeping face the warmness belongs to.
Remus Lupin
Shit, I shift my body to try and remove his warm arms that are wrapped around my cold body and instantly shiver. He still hasn't woken and he unconsciously wraps his arms tighter pulling me back into his heavenly body.

Damn I really don't want to move but when I see his eyes open slightly he takes in his view infront of him and his eyes widen massively. He unwraps his arms and sits up and shifts back which make the covers slip to reveal his scarred torso, but my god did he have a snatched waist and abs.
I stopped breathing temporarily during the discovery of his hot body, I was biting my lip and immediately stopped when I saw he noticed.

I looked down to check if I was dressed still and thankfully I was, phew.
In the space of those few seconds I was too busy checking him out to gather myself back together, so I did that then stood up off the bed imminently which made the book fall off, still no words had been said yet our rosy cheeks told us everything,
I picked up my phone off of the nightstand and stumbled across the room to the bedroom door, with the reddest cheeks, and then mumbled-
"I need to-, my friends-, im so sorry-, bye"
I then did that awkward half walk half run out of his place and shut the door quickly behind me.

I leaned against his door for a moment catching my breath and collecting my thoughts which were nothing short of racing cars speeding towards the finish line, and I left his classroom and walked down the corridors towards my dorms.
If I thought Remus's room was cold I was in for a shock when I went to the dungeons, I felt my blood freezing into ice, regretting not bringing a jacket.
I raced to my dormitory and was praying that Sadie and Lila were still asleep.
I reached the door and slowly creaked it open scared to wake them up incase they were asleep, which they were not, and to add to the drama Silas was there as well.
Could this day get any worse, at least I saw professor Lupin's abs.
Ugh I need to get my mind together, he is my Professor.

Lila shouted sitting on her bed, next to her was Sadie who then said-
"Who did you sleep with then"
With a wide cheeky grin. Silas who was on my bed and chipped in saying-
"probably climbing Snape mountain"
He also had a shit eating grin,that would make all of the girls go wild cause he was what people considered hot, to which I disagree.
I went to sit on my bed next to Silas and just said with probably all of my blood in my cheeks-
" I wasn't with anyone"
Not for a second did any of them believe it and Silas thought it would be funny to say in a girly voice"
"She was probably like, oh Snape your so hot and I just need to sit on your-"

I started chasing him around the room while he kept making kissing noises, it was now an absolute mess with pillows and duvets everywhere. Sadie was laughing her head off clutching her stomach and rolling around on Lila's bed, Lila however was chanting-
Eventually I was close enough to reach him, as we were running up to Sadie's bed I lunged forward grabbing Silas and then fell onto the bed, I covered his mouth with my hand to stop him making the noises,he licked my hand and I removed it instantly saying-
"Ewwww, I don't know where that's been"
He smirked at me then started naming girls in our years mouths and I said grossed out-
"Okay, okay I get it"
Sadie just said, also grossed out-
" I don't want to know where my brothers tongue has been"
I got off of Silas and went to sit on my bed while they continued to chat about Silas's wide selection of girls, I check the time and we were late for class. Omg this is the best and worst day ever.

Wow that was an emotional rollercoaster and a half, I hope whoever is reading it enjoys it cause I certainly do.

Rage and Lust Reader x Professor Lupin discontinued:(Where stories live. Discover now