"Hagrid" P9

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I just wanna say these next few chapters are filled with drama and so romantic like every girls dreams (not really this one though), buckle in my readers

The next few days it was my turn to do the best I could to not even look at Remus, it was hell, especially during lessons, all the tension, the avoidance, the confusion of my feelings.
I could tell he wanted to talk to me and tried to ask me to stay behind after class a good few times, I never did, I just rushed out before all of the other students.
As for my friends they are constantly asking for me to tell them who I slept with, that was to no avail.
School was as boring as ever, and as im sitting in my dorm the family owl flew through my open window and handed me a letter, then bit my hand, asshole. I got the first monthly letter from my parents of the year, and all it said was-

Don't embarrass yourself and our family,
We expect all O's and if not then you can say goodbye to your freedom when you come back to our house at Christmas, or don't come back at all.
No mucking about, no boyfriends, no distractions.

From mum, dad & Avery

No 'we miss you' or 'we hope your okay Yn'
Nope, none of that, just them telling me not to fuck up. Oh to see their faces if I told them I slept in my Professors bed with his arms around me, I can't get that feeling out of my head for some reason,though the look on my parents faces would be hilarious.
Silas walks in and sees me furrowing my eyebrows at the letter In my hand, deep in thought, so he says-
"What's that?"
I hand him the letter, he takes a moment to read over it then responds with-
"I know right"
I say to his response, he notices my troubled face and then suggests-
"Let's go on a walk, in the nice cold autumn weather"
I nod my head surprised at his mature suggestion, that was unlike Silas, I will take him to Madam Poppy after the walk to get his head checked.

We're walking on the grounds, the misty grass slightly crunching under my feet every step, the cold air infiltrating my nose almost hurts, the wind that brushes past my face and exposed arms is soft yet freezing. The cold winter is distracting me from my parents so I guess I'm enjoying it.

"So, you fancy telling me who you slept with yet"
Back to the old Silas, I sigh fed up with the same question that I'm asked by the three of my closest friends.
"Why not?"
He asks with a smile on his face, the mischievous kind,
"Because I didn't sleep with anyone!"
I half yelled.
"Okay okay, I get it, you 'didn't' sleep with anyone"
He used air quotes on 'didn't'
I was getting really pissed off now and luckily he said to me-
"Well I've gotta go now, I've got Amelia Greengrass waiting on me in her dorm"
The smirk on his face indicated that I did NOT want to know what they were going to be up to.

Silas walked back to the castle and I continued walking down the path, I was nearing the forbidden Forrest and let my curiosity get the better of me, I wandered in about 20 feet and I heard a branch snap behind me.
I turned around as quickly as possible, I was both relieved and worried about it only being Hagrid.
I sighed
"Thank god it's just you"
"What are ya doin out 'ere"
He said worriedly, I've always liked Hagrid, he has such a kind nature.
"You must be freezin, here"
He handed me the big fluffy jacket he had on and I gratefully accepted, I wasn't aware at how cold I actually was until the warm jacket was on me.
"Let me take ya back to my hut, so we can get you all warmed up"
I smiled at him glad he hadn't reported me to Dumbledore for going into the Forbidden Forest.
West arrived at his hut and then we went inside, it was so warm and cosy.
Hagrid's beloved Boar hound, Fang, walked over to me with his tail wagging, I smiled at him and pet him.
Hagrid poured me some of the tea that was brewing and I accepted once he offered the cup.
I took a sip and sighed, tea had never tasted so good.

Hagrid and I had been chatting for about 3 1/2 hours, it went so quick so you can imagine my surprise when I looked at the time on my phone.
"Oh my it's 8:55! I must be off, thank you so much Hagrid for having me, it's been a pleasure"
I removed the jacket that was his from my arms and we said our last goodbyes, before I knew it I was walking in the freezing pitch black all the way up to the castle in only a top.

To be continued...

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