Testimony of Those Fled WIP

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Seir: If I may, Stolas, you don't need to spare us the details. I can't speak for everyone, but know that you're among brothers here. We, at least some of us, want to know everything you have to tell us.

One demon amongst the dukes, a dragon with black scales, spit downwards at his feet.

Bael slammed his gavel down twice.

Bael: Duke Buné, restrain yourself. Prince Seir, be more careful with how you speak of your brethren. Save your personal petty squabbles for another time.

Seir: Sorry, brother presider.

Buné: Yes, brother baal.

Stolas: I... I understand, Seir. Thank you. Uh...

Stolas took a deep breath. Blitzo put his gaze onto him. He wanted to hear the specifics since he was now involved.

Stolas: We had just gotten back from the hospital with Octavia. I did some paperwork and then fell asleep. I was awoken by my guards, all in full gear. They'd moved Stella and Octavia to the garden for some sort of security concern. I don't know how I had missed-

All went quiet to Blitzo. The thing his mind focused on the most, without his input, was how Stolas looked. Something about the way he conveyed his message was so intriguing, so beautiful, that it had the imp thinking both so much and also nothing. It occurred to him that he'd never seen this side of Stolas before until today, when he had told Blitzo about his actions in the distant past and now as he put everything of himself into telling the seventy-one demons before him his concerns, his fear, his love. There was a fire behind the ancient owl's eyes. Blitzo could tell, even though he couldn't see them in full from where he sat. It was incredible. It was attractive. It was so... so...
Blitzo broke from his entrancement from the whiplash of his emotional swing. He was now very anxious. He couldn't sit still. He suddenly found himself locking eyes with the demon he had met out in the lobby. King Paimon. It was less than a second, but in that time, Paimon smirked maliciously, making his thoughts clear. He knew what Blitzo had just experienced, and it amused him. Blitzo looked away so quickly because he didn't need to know anymore about just how pathetic the Goetic king found him.

Stolas: I had only a few moments to give instructions before I passed out.

Vassago: We were also unaware of anything aside from Camio's entry into his palace when Stolas contacted us via seance.

Eligos: Camio contacted us afterwards, then tried to contact you, Stolas. But it seems your wards prevented him from reaching you.

Camio: I completely understand why. Any one of us could also have been compromised. On that note, I believe brother Duke Aym has something to say, courtesy of niece Kingsdottir Azdizen.

Aym: I... am sssorry... for blowing open the door.


Seir: You didn't turn on the tv or look it up on the internet?

Stolas: There were no televisions in the office that were, uh, intact.

Blitzo crossed his arms and awkwardly looked away.

Moxxie: Someone was broadcasting news about President Camio entering Stolas' palace on an old radio my wife and I found.

Millie: Until I smashed it.

Loona: And social media was completely down. Every site still comes back with an error message.

Loona turned her phone to the crowd.

Loona: "The military has ordered a full media blackout at this time." And you guys run the military, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26 ⏰

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