18. Home

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"I think we should go home," You whispered into James ears.

He lightens up. He wrapped his hand around you. He would love to leave with you right away. However, he felt a bit guilty for just leaving Steve behind. They had come together, and yes Steve was socialising with people, but he didn't seem to connect too much. You noticed that James were looking over at Steve. You smiled weakly, looking back up at James. It was cute how much he cared.

"My room mate is out, Steve can take her bed if he want to join," You said.

James looked down at you when he realised you spoke to him. He pecked a kiss of your lips. It was adorable how you just read his thoughts. Not many did so. You understood him better than most, perhaps anyone. Still, the two of you hadn't known each other for that long. It warmed his heart. He began to guide you out of the dancefloor towards Steve. They quickly exchanged words. You said goodbye to your friends, who of course were teasing you for leaving with them. It didn't take long before the three of you were out in the streets. You stood between them, holding James hand.

"You live far away?" Steve asked.

You looked up at him with a big smile.

"No, just two quarters down," You said and pointed, your hand shaking a bit.

James was laughing a little. You weren't exactly sober, so your whole-body kind of wiggled trough the street. Your heels didn't help either, but it looked cute or it did, until you almost suddenly fell, but James brought you up before you hit the ground. You were laughing, but James was more worried.

"Shit, I think my heel broke," You said, stopping up.

You pulled the hair behind your ear, leaned down to your feet as you took your shoe off. You were right, the hell was totally busted. Ugh. You swore low,  not caring that two super soldiers from 10 decades ago stood right beside you. You suddenly noticed James wrapping around your waist, before he grabbed your legs, lifting you bride style.

"I got you" James giggled.

"What about my heel?!" You giggled back, pointing down at the ground.

Steve laughed at the two of you, before picking up the heel for you. James and you looked at each other, giving a nod of approval as they began to walk. You gave Steve the keys when you came to the apartment complex, he opened the door and walked up the three floors. You were pointing around like a little child about where to go. You jumped down the second you stood in front of your apartment. They laughed when you grabbed the keys as you stepped into the apartment. You stumbled off the other heel you had and walked to the middle of the living room.

"This is my humble brag, it's nothing like your fancy palace in Manhattan, however, it's a cool place," you said waving your hands out, doing a little pirouette.

Both laughed as they stepped into your apartment. James smiled. This was clearly your place. It was cosy, but with ton of character.  You had bookshelves upon bookshelves stacked, but in a very stylistic way. You had a vinyl's, plants and art around the room. It was homey. He liked it. It was way better than the impersonal place that was the mansion.

"Give me a minute to fix some new bed sheets for you Steve, sit down or grab some snacks in the fridge, whatever you like," You said and pointed at the door before you disappeared into your friend's room.

Steve turned over to Bucky when you left.

"She is lovely," Steve said, proud of his friend.

Bucky smiled, looking up at Steve. He was right. It had become difficult to control how much he liked you. Bucky bet his underlip.

"I do like her," Bucky admitted.

He could feel his cheeks blushing. He didn't like speaking out about these things loud, but he knew his heart had been set. You were clearly a complex person, far from the easiest to get close with emotionally. Still, none of that matters. The moments you shared, were the easiest he had ever felt in his life. It made everything worth it. Your heart was so open, and your mind full of knowledge. He found himself just finding more and more things he adored about you.

"Look at you blushing," Steve teased his friend, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm done," You walked out from the bedroom, holding the door open.

Steve laughed and clapped Bucky on his shoulder. He was going to give the two of you space. Steve walked over towards you. Gave you a good nod.

"Thank you, Miss Y/n, enjoy your night," Steve said as he closed the door.

James walked over to you, gently taking your hand guiding you to the middle of the room. He just wanted to take time looking at you, being with you. It didn't matter what you did, where you were. James had realised it only mattered that he was here with you. He took your other hand. You looked up at him, your eyes were shining up the room.

"We should go to sleep," James whispered.

You nodded lightly, leaning up a little, peaking a kiss from his lips, before you guided him to your bedroom. You opened up the door for him. You were not sure what James were going to say about your place. You had lived alone since you were 18, you had of course collected up things over the year. You didn't get too attached to people, but God, objects were easy. Your favourite colour was red, and you displayed it well throughout the room. Casper hated your room, which was why you spent most time at his. You looked back at James, afraid of his reaction.

James glowed up walking into your room

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James glowed up walking into your room. You had fairy lights hanging around, flowers, particularly roses. Red roses. Red seemed to be your favourite color. You had old vintage mirror's on the wall, candles and of course a ton of books stacked up against the wall. He looked up at the roof, where he saw an old chandelier.

"Y/n this is beautiful," He whispered impressed. The room smelled so good too, like a mix of vanilla and roses.

"Your okay with it?" You tilted your head, surprised by his reaction.

He looked down at you with a warm smile, wrapping his hands tightly around you.

"I could stay here forever," He whispered, kissing your lips.

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