31. Handy

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The water was dripping from your hair, your eyes watching as it hit the bathroom sink. You closed your eyes. This morning had been long, even if it was only 9 am. You began to get dressed, as you walked out. Your mother was already out running errands, and if you guessed right your father was just in the garage. You walked down the stairs to the living room, when you began hearing noises from the kitchen. You looked around confused. Your brother should be at school, and you knew James were sleeping.

"Hello!" You said, as a warning to whoever was there.

"Hey," The familiar shouted back.

You rolled your eyes as you stormed into the kitchen. You knew exactly who it was, and you needed them out of your house, immediately.

"Casper, I need you to leave now!" You said as you came around the corner.

What you saw wasn't exactly how you imagined him to be seeing him. He was in full work gear, under the sink. He leaned out of the sink so he could see your face, putting on a smile.

"Hi, Y/n," He said still sitting down on the floor.

You looked at him confused. Your mother must have asked him for help with the drainage problem, and forgotten to inform you that he was coming when you came last night. You closed your eyes in frustration. You couldn't be mad at him, but you couldn't help but not be happy either. Life just kept getting more and more complicated.

"Your mother didn't tell you I was coming, did she?" Casper said standing up.

You gave him a short nod, looking out the window. Your stupid father should've given you a hint, but he was probably too far deep in his own car. You looked back at Casper. He looked... good. His hair had grown out, he was clean shaved, and his green eyes were warm again. This person standing in front of you, looked like an actual adult. You looked down at your feet.

"I have a friend over, I would prefer if you got this done before they wake up," You said, looking up at him

Casper nodded with a gentle laugh.

"Its not just some friend, is it?" He asked.

You stepped away. You didn't owe him an answer, you knew that. However, you had been so boiled up over the last few days, that you couldn't possibly collect up more worries.

"I like for the two of you to not meet," You said, not giving him any satisfaction in your answer, yet enough for him to remove himself from the scene.

He nodded and kneeled down to the pipes under the sink, securing that they were fine before he closed the cabinets. He grabbed all of his equipment. You felt how his eyes fell onto you one last time. It was difficult to imagine how close the two of you had been, for the two of you to become strangers. You let him cast his glance as the two of you began to walk towards the door.

"Hey," You suddenly heard James said, coming down from the stairs.

The two of you stopped in your tracks. You swore low under your breath. Another adventure to explain. You looked up at James. You know what? Fuck this, you were going to be completely honest.

"Before you ask me who this is, I'll tell you. This is Casper, Casper as in my ex partner, who I broke up with, who is helping my mother with the kitchen pipes, which my mom forgot to tell me about. Probably even on purpose, because my mom has an insane thing about mixing herself into my life, and wanting me to go back to Casper, which I would NEVER do, no offence," You said looking over at Casper.

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