2. Intruder

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"You don't like me," his annoying voice cut through your ears.

You see, James here had started to come around often. He had become oddly good friends with your dad and helped your family with errands. You hadn't dared to ask, but you had become confident that James had been around the house more than you had. Not that it was a contest. You just didn't like it. Something about this dark guy turned you off and raised your alarms, but both your parents adored him, so you had let them entertain him. However, you had zero interest in doing so.

"I don't," You mumbled, it was the first time you were alone together.

"Why?" He smirked as he tilted his head.

Bucky knew exactly why you felt uncomfortable with him around here, but he wanted to hear you say it. He wanted you to realize how pathetic your overworked theory was. Bucky held tightly around the book he held in his hands. Today he had just come over to pick up a few things that your mother thought could help with his memory, nothing more sinister than that.

"You're an intruder and I'm trying to figure out your motive," you said coldly to James question, as you continue to cleaning the dishes for your parents.

"You think I'm trying to seduce your mother," Bucky said straight out, he laughed when he saw how your body froze. He walked over to you and leaned against the kitchen counter. He took the plate and brush out of your hand. You looked up at him, clearly taken back of how direct he had spoken. He smiled.

"I am not trying to seduce your mother neither did I try with your grandmother. I've struggled with a lot of memory loss. My therapist recommended for me to try to surround myself with things from before the war. I spent a lot of time in this house, that's all I'm here for," James said.

Oh, you felt ridiculous. You leaned your back up against the kitchen counter. The two of you standing beside each other. You didn't move your head, still you were staring at him from the side. It was defiantly the first time you had heard a grown man say he went to therapy, which within itself was impressive. Guess with everything you had heard he had gone through, it was obligatory.

"But also, why would I seduce your mother, when your right here?" He asked, the smirk right back on his lips shattering the image you had started to create of him.

"Y/n, Casper is calling," Your mom suddenly yelled before you could clap back at James. You shook your head and turned towards the sink again.

"Tell him to fuck off," You shouted back to your mom.

James looked at you shocked, what a language you used.

"Y/n he was a kind boy, give him a chan-"Your mother shouted from the other room.

Your head fell as you tried to take deep breathes. It's not your mother's fault you told yourself.

"Who is Casper?" Bucky asked, trying to hide his curiosity. You looked up at him and rolled your eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to know, EXCATLY MOM, HE IS A BOY, I'M A GROWN ADULT, I NEED A MAN!" You shouted back to your mom loudly. You let go off the cleaning supplies frustrated when your mom entered the room.

"Be happy I let him down, but your young lady need manners," she said and pointed at you.

Ugh. Casper and you had been together since you were fifteen. It wasn't like you hadn't tried. Not only that, you had tried to break up with him three times, but he kept coming back. It's been half a year, and he still tried to reach you. If it was your friends, co-workers or your mother, he had no limits. It didn't help that your mother adored him.

"Really, you'll speak to me like this in front of guests?" You said alluding to James who stood right beside you.

Your mother softens up by your reminder. That's what you thought.

"I think it's my time to leave, again," you said harshly. You could see that your mother now felt bad for how she had come across, but in this moment it didn't matter. You simply wished to leave.

"I'll drive you home," James suddenly offered. Both you and your mother looked up at him.

"That's a lovely ide-" she began.

"I have my own car," You pressed up your fake smile, you had not forgotten what James had said about you before your mother interrupted.

"I insist," James repeated with a smile, before he wrapped his arm around your shoulder.

"It would be perfect, than I can borrow it to work tomorrow," Your mom said, of course this benefitted her.

"And how am I supposed to get to work tomorrow?" You pointed out.

"You can use public transpo-" she began, and you were ready to attack, but James cut you off before that.

"I'll drive you there, good to have an excuse to wake up early," He smiled, as he clapped your mother on the shoulder. He turned his face around to you.

Ah, he liked seeing you this irritated. 

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