Chapter Three: Scarves, Sweaters, and Sweets

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Once my birthday was over, I anxiously awaited the day when I would head off to the Burrow for the Quidditch World Cup. I had packed and re-packed everything that I thought I would need, including a collection of face paints that I had been saving for a special occasion. I also came to the conclusion that I owned a shockingly low amount of green, which was simply unacceptable while supporting Ireland, so I wrote to one of my Hogwarts friends to ask a favor.

I was delighted to have received an owl with a letter and a parcel only a few days after my owl had returned.

Dear Senicka,

Its great to hear from you, even if it is simply for the purpose of extorting me.

I'm not surprised to hear of your predicament, since you and your 'Puff mates all dress like the personification of a lemon meringue pie. I have also sent along one of my house scarves, but I will expect that back once school starts.

Speaking of school, we are still going to study together for Care of Magical Creatures, right? You know I'm hopeless with the little buggars, as infuriating as that is to admit. Tell anyone and I'll deny it.

I would also deny the claim that I can't wait to see you again at school're sworn to secrecy.

I hope you enjoy the Quidditch World Cup.

Your Friend, Darius Avery

Darius Avery

P.S. Happy Birthday

I chuckled to myself as I read Darius' response letter, putting down the leprechaun had I was crocheting so that I could tear open the parcel, revealing the Slytherin scar that lay inside.

Slytherins had a notoriously bad reputation at Hogwarts due to the fact that they produce the highest number of dark wizards, but in my mind, that has nothing to do with them being Slytherins. Many Slytherins are just the latest in a long line of dark wizards and therefore have never had the opportunity to learn anything different. And then, once they come to Hogwarts and finally meet people who did not grow up indoctrinated with the blood-status agenda, they discriminate against them and assume they are evil simply because of the house they're sorted into. Its not fair, and the way that some people treat them makes my blood boil, so I have always gone out of my way to be kind to them.

I met Darius during Care of Magical Creatures during our third year. He was struggling to groom an immensely stubborn Kneazle, so naturally, I stepped in and helped him calm the creature down. I'd had plenty of experience with Kneazles of every temperament, so it wasn't particularly difficult for me. Darius and I hit it off, and I've been helping him in Care of Magical Creatures class ever since.

I laid the scarf across my bed and moved over to my desk, stealing my quill from Bay , who had been napping beneath it and using the feather as a blanket. I grabbed some stationary and began to write out my response letter.

Dear Darius,

Your secrets are safe with me. Also, I proudly own that description of my aesthetic, and I will dress like a lemon meringue pie any day of the week, as it sounds delicious, and like it inspires joy, and that is what I aim to achieve.

Thank you so much for the scarf! If Ireland wins the championship, I'm going to tell everyone that it was the generous gift of Slytherin's house colors that secured the victory.

Its great to hear from you as well, and of course I will continue to help you in class. I wouldn't dare subject those innocent creatures to Darius Avery's unsupervised hand. I look forward to seeing you this term.

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