Chapter Thirty-Six: Snowball Fights and Secret Advice

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The Quidditch Tournament was a raging success, though no one was surprised when Viktor Krum's team took home the prize. Though it was snowing, the students who weren't playing found warmth through little enchanted fires set up throughout the stands. The House Elves graciously provided us with lots of food to serve as concessions; the funds of which would be going directly into S.P.E.W. Everyone who bought something got a S.P.E.W. badge and a little pamphlet Hermione had worked up, detailing the unfair treatment of House elves. 

Everyone seemed to have an incredible time, leaving the Quidditch Pitch about an hour before dinner with rosy cheeks and wide smiles. My friends and most of Hufflepuff house stayed behind to help tidy up the pitch before we headed inside to get cleaned up for dinner. 

I pulled my coat tighter around me before blowing into my gloved hands, attempting to warm the stiffness from my fingers. A hand appeared beside me, grabbing mine and intertwining our fingers before putting both of our hands in the pocket of his coat. I smiled, already knowing who it was as I met George's eyes. 

"You cold?" He quipped, reaching up with his free hand and running a gloved pinky down the bridge of my nose, "Your face has gone all pink." 

"No, I'm super warm and toasty actually." I said sarcastically. I opened my mouth to say something else, when all of a sudden I was hit square in the face with a snowball. I spluttered and stumbled back several steps, the cold stinging my face as George released my hand and steadied me with a hand on my waist. 

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed. I looked up to see Fred staring at us, his face stuck somewhere between guilt and amusement. 

"I'm sorry," He said, laughing slightly, "I'm so sorry, Sen, I was aiming for George-" 

"You are so DEAD!" I screamed, scooping up a snowball and hurling it at him. It hit I'm in the face as well, and I was instantly vindicated, but the retaliation erupted in a full-on snowball battle as everyone spread out and began lobbing them back and forth. 

I ran around one of the giant rocks, scooping up another snowball and peering around just as another one hit me in the chest. Siara giggled, taking cover beside me as I tossed the snowball as hard as I could in the direction of my assailant. Too late, I saw that George was standing in its path and I laughed, pressing my hands over my mouth as it exploded on the back of his head. He turned around, snow littering his red locks. 

"SENICKA!" He screamed. 

"No! No, no, no It was an accident!" I shrieked, taking off running across the field. He chased after me, catching up easily, even through the thick snow. He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off of the ground. I laughed, struggling to get away as he spun me around, threatening to toss me into a nearby snow pile. 

As he turned, his feet slipped in the wet snow, sending both of us plummeting to the ground. George landed on his back in the snow and I landed on my back on top of him, my elbow hitting him in the chest and knocking the wind out of him. He groaned, laughing in pain. 

"Oh my gosh, are you ok?!" I asked, clambering off of him so that I was sitting beside him. 

"Why are your elbows so sharp?" He asked, rubbing a hand over his chest.

"I'm sorry," I laughed, putting a hand on his arm. He smiled.  "Seriously, are you ok?" 

"I will be." He replied, grabbing my shoulders and tackling me into the snow. I burst out laughing, falling onto my back as the others continued to hurl snowballs around us. George laughed too, struggling for breath as he leaned over me, attempting to brush snow off of my cheeks with his fingers. 

"We're so getting sick after this." I breathed, my laughter dying down. 

"Well, we better hurry up and get warm then." He said, leaning down and pressing his lips against mine. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him against me, kissing him back as the snow seeped through my clothes. I was cold, and it was getting colder by the minute, but George's mouth against mine and his hands on my waist made for the perfect distraction. 

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