Chapter Eighteen: Invites and Intentions

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"Class dismissed!" Moody growled from the front of the class. I began shoving my books back into my bag, when a certain walking stick slapped down on the table, pinning the sleeve of my robe to the surface of the desk. My head shot up, and I noticed George scoot a little closer. 

"Not you, Scamander," Moody said, "Stay after class. I want to have a word with you." 

"I'm not really comfortable with..." I trailed off as he shot me a look, telling me that was not an option. I nodded, waiting for him to walk away before glancing at George. 

"Fred and I will wait for you outside." He assured me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded, remaining in my seat as the other students began to file out of the classroom. Once they were all gone, the door closed at the back of the room, and I turned around to see Acantha standing beside it. I shook my head. 

"I should've known you were behind this." I said, standing up. 

"Sit. Down." Moody growled, his eyes narrowing at me. "She just wants to talk to ya. You're perfectly safe." 

"Pretty sure I'm supposed to be the authority on that, in a student-teacher situation." I retorted. 

He ignored me as Acantha moved over to my desk, pulling up George's seat and sitting down. I furrowed my eyebrows at her before glancing at Moody. 

"Go to your office, Alistar. You're making the girl nervous." She said. He wasted no time doing as she said. 

"Yes, because you make me so comfortable." I shot back, tightening my grip on my bag strap. Her eyes narrowed in on this as she looked up at me. 

"I think maybe we've gotten off on the wrong foot." She said. "I think maybe my interest in you comes across as...creepy, out of context. I would like to alleviate that if you'd hear me out." 

I furrowed my eyebrows but slowly sank back into my chair. 

"I'll hear you out," I agreed, "But the second you make me uncomfortable, I'm leaving, you got that?" 

"Certainly." She said. I nodded, settling into my seat. "I must admit, I have not been entirely truthful with you. My interest in you, did not begin because your professors told me about you. They told me about you because I asked. I'd heard of you long before I ever came to Hogwarts." 

"How?" I asked.  "Why?" 

She smiled sadly at this. 

"I went to school with your parents," She said, causing me to raise my eyebrows, "I actually used to be quite close wit your father...and your aunt." 

"My aunt?" I asked. "Which one, my mother has two sisters-"

"No, not on your mother's side," She said, "I'm talking about your Dad's sister. Morgana." 

My eyes widened slightly, which Acantha clocked almost immediately. 

"You...He didn't even tell you about her, did he?" She asked. "I mean...I can't say that I'm surprised. The two had quite a nasty falling out while they were at school." 

"What happened?" I asked, sitting up a little straighter.

"I shouldn't," She said, shaking her head, "If your father didn't want you to know, then its certainly not my place to-" 

"I've heard that name before," I interrupted, "At the Quidditch World Cup. I saw her, and then Barty Crouch showed me her wanted poster. Please, Mrs. Moody, I need to know who she is, and why my father hasn't told me about her." 

She nodded, averting her eyes to her lap. 

"Well, we might just be able to kill two birds with one stone," She said, "I know, that I have come on far too strong, and...I must confess, the reason for this is that your remind me of her. And quite frankly, that...worries me, Senicka." 

Chocolate & Honey (A George Weasley Fanfiction) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now