Chapter Twenty-Nine: Holidays and Heartbreak

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I made the plan to pull George aside after Study Hall and tell him everything.

I was sitting beside him at the Gryffindor table, my eyes trained on my notebook as I tried to pretend my heart wasn't threatening to jump out of my throat.

"This is mad," I heard Ron whisper to harry, "At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates."

Snape walked past, shoving his head back toward his homework.

"Well," He whispered, "Us and Neville."

"Yeah, but then again, he can take himself." Harry joked.

"Noses down, boys," I whispered, "Neville asked Aurora to the ball ages ago."

Ron groaned.

"Now I'm really depressed." He said.

"Ron," Geroge whispered, leaning over me to get his younger brother's attention, "Can we borrow Pigwidgeon?"

"No, he's off delivering a letter," Ron answered, "Why?"

"Because George wants to invite him to the ball." Fred shot back. I bit my lip to suppress a smile.

"Because we want to send a letter, you stupid great prat." George told him.

"Be nice." I warned, elbowing him lightly.

"Who do you two keep writing to, eh?" Ron questioned.

"Nose out Ron," Fred said, " lot got dates for the ball yet?"

"Nope." Ron said mopily.

"Well, you'd better hurry up, mate or all te good ones will be gone." Fred told him. I looked up, leaning my chin in my hand, and at the same time George turned his head, meeting my eyes. I smiled, hoping I didn't look too hopeful. I could be wrong about all of this, and maybe this is his opportunity to finally ask me.

"Who are you going with then?" Ron asked.

"Angelina." He said simply.

"What? you've already asked her?"

"Good point." Fred agreed, balling up a sheet of parchment and chucking it at Angelina's head. She turned around, staring at him in annoyance. "Oi, Angelina!"

"What?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Do you..." He whispered, miming ballroom dancing at his seat, "Wanna go to the ball," he shoved his thumb towards himself, "...with me?"

"That was annoyingly charming and low effort," I muttered to George, who chuckled, his eyes still on mine.

"To the ball?" Angelina whispered. "Yeah, alright then."

He turned, winking obnoxiously at Ron and causing George to laugh.

"Oi, laugh it up, George," Fred whispered, "You haven't got a date yet either."

I turned to face him, my heart accelerating. He rolled his eyes, staring at the table for a long moment before glancing up at me. I held his gaze, silently begging him to say the words I'd been hoping he would say.

His eyes shifted down the table, and he copied his brother's actions, grabbing a ball of parchment and chucking it through the air.

It landed right in the lap of Rosemary Cartspring.

She looked up, pushing her blond curls out of her eyes. Her cheeks turned pink as she spotted George. I turned to glance at him again, and he met my eyes for half a second before turning his attention to her. He ran through the same miming routine as his brother had.

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