Chapter Thirteen: Arguments and Aging Potions

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Any time a batch of free time arrived, students were flocking to the entrance hall to see if anyone had put their name into the Goblet.

I had to be honest, I really was hoping that Darius was chosen, after he explained his reasoning. I guarantee everyone else who would try to put their name in would do so for selfish reasons, whereas Darius is trying to improve the reputation and quality of life for his entire house.

Of course, I couldn't deny rooting for Fred and George either, even with their dishonest means of entering the tournament. They need the money for the joke shop, and that is an endeavor I would love to see come to fruition.

I smiled as the fourth years started making their way into the Entrance Hall, and Hermione came over and took a seat beside me.

"I have a question." She said, turning to face me.

"I might have an answer." I replied doing the same.

"I was wondering if you would be join S.P.E.W.?" She wondered. I raised my eyebrows.

"S.P.E.W.?" I asked. "What is that?"

"Its the Society for the Promotioon of Elfish Welfare," She said, "I was going to put Stop the outrageous Abuse of our Fellow Magical Creatures and Campaign for a Change in Their Legal Status, but it wouldn't fit. So that's the heading of our manifesto."

"Wait, is this about House Elves?" I asked. She nodded. "Oh, finally! I've been waiting for people to start paying attention to the abuse that House Elves receive!"

"Right! Thank you!" She exclaimed. "So you'll join then?"

"Of course, sign me up." I said. She smiled, jotting my name down before pulling a badge out of her bag and handing it to me. I took it, proudly pinning it on my sweater.

"I heard things got a little rocky in Moody's class." She said, opening her book. I sighed, nodding.

"That poor spider," I replied, "I take it you got the same treatment."

"We did," She confirmed, "I swear, he traumatized poor Neville with the Cruciatus Curse. Aurora Reigl, one of the Ravenclaws, even went so far as to cast Expelliarmus on Moody, and landed herself a month of detention. He was furious."

"Aurora did that?" I asked, knowing the girl well.

"She was defending Neville." She said with a shrug. "Honestly, I'd commend her if it wasn't for Moody. I don't think he's a person you want to get on the bad side of."

"Yes, well, I'm sure I'm on that list now," I stated, "I up and walked out of class."

"Eternal Glory," Ron commented, moving to stand in front of us, "Be brilliant, wouldn't it? Three years from now, when we're old enough to be chosen."

"Yeah, rather you than me." Harry told him.

"Besides, Eternal Glory?" I asked, looking up at Harry. "Haven't you already got that?"

"Anyone put their name in yet?" Ron asked, ignoring my question.

"Everyone from Durmstrang," I reported, "And Darius Avery."

"Darius Avery?" Ron asked in disgust. Harry shook his head.

"We can't have a Slytherin Champion." He said.

"I don't know," I said with a shrug, "Maybe comments like that are the reason why we should."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, but before he could start an argument about it, Fred and George ran into the room, whooping and cheering, and all the students in the hall applauded, already knowing where this was going.

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