Chapter Sixteen: Allowances and Amortentia

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I finished showing the girls the hairstyles, practicing them on the girls themselves and watching as they giggled excitedly at their reflections. They all thanked me profusely before letting me return to Siara and Darius, who were standing together across the courtyard. 

"Someone's popular." Darius quipped. I smiled, shaking my head.

"You're a right foul git, you know that!?" 

I furrowed my eyebrows, turning around to see Harry standing in the doorway of the overhang, Ron and Seamus Finnegan standing on the other side. 

"You think so?" Ron retorted. 

"I know so." 

"Anything else?" 

"Yeah. Stay away from me." Harry told him. 


Ron stormed past him, Seamus following behind him. Harry sighed, turning and walking in the opposite direction. He paused when he saw us watching him. I offered him a sympathetic smile. 

"Why so tense, Potter?!" 

"Oh, good lord." We all exchanged a look before jogging over to where Harry was being accosted by Malfoy and his friends. 

"Come on, Draco," Darius pleaded, "I think you've tortured the kid enough, haven't you? Just leave him be." 

"Just because you pity him, doesn't mean that I have to." Malfoy retorted, his eyes combing over all of us before coming to a stop on Siara. "Damn you! Are you stalking me now?!" 

I furrowed my eyebrows, glancing over at Siara who simply smirked at him. 

"What? You didn't enjoy our time together in potions?" She asked. "I meant what I said, Malfoy. I'm gonna get you to like me." 

"I will never like you, you psycho!" He spat. "Guess you really are a daddy's girl after all." 

I surged forward, fully prepared to punch Draco Malfoy square in the nose. How he'd found out about her father, I wasn't sure, but both she and Darius reached out and grabbed each of my arms, stopping me. Siara simply continued to smile. 

"Its ok, Draco. Really," She said, "I know this is just some coping mechanism for you. You're cruel to people so they don't actually try to get to know you and find out who you really are. Underneath all that 'Pureblood Slytherin Hatred' is just a boy who wishes he was allowed to be himself. You are allowed, you know." 

I couldn't tell if she was trying to antagonize him, or if she had genuinely psychoanalyzed him, and clearly Malfoy couldn't either, because he was staring at her with narrowed eyes while his friends all exchanged looks behind his back. 

Harry, clearly thinking he was no longer involved in the conflict, moved to pass by behind us. 

"Not so fast, Potter," Malfoy called, "My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five." 

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy!" Harry said, walking up and shoving him, causing the smirk to disappear from Malfoy's face, "He's vile and cruel! And you're just pathetic." 

Harry turned around to storm away.

"Pathetic?!" He reached into his robes to grab his wand, and Darius and I instantly reached for our own. I took a step forward, prepared to cast Expelliarmus. 

"Oh, no you don't, Sonny!' A gruff voice called. Hands grabbed my shoulders, yanking me backwards just as a beam of magic shot across the courtyard, transforming Malfoy into a small white ferret. 

Chocolate & Honey (A George Weasley Fanfiction) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now