Chapter Twenty: Common Rooms and Cover Ups

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Fleur went immediately after Darius and managed to retrieve her egg as well, after charming her Welsh Green into a trance. Her dragon did end up falling asleep, but as it was snoring, it shot a jet of fire out of its nose and burned her clothes a bit. She managed to put it out with a water spell though. 

Krum had drawn the Chinese Fireball, and much like Darius, he put on a pretty good show. He shot a spell right into his dragon's eye, which seemed to cause it a fair bit of pain. I hated that part, and that amid its pain, the Fireball squashed some of the real dragon eggs that were inside of the nest. I was pretty mortified about that one, and George kept his arm around my shoulders the rest of the round because of it. 

Then finally, coming in last, was Harry...with the Hungarian Horntail. I wish I could say I was surprised. 

"Harry! Harry! Harry!" The crowd began to chant as he exited the tent. I was surprised to hear the sheer amount of applause he was getting, seeing as 90% of the school was wearing 'Potter Stinks' badges only a few days ago. 

"Oh, come on, Harry." I said, folding my hands beneath my chin. 

"He'll be fine," George assured me," If he could defeat You-Know-Who as an infant, I think he can handle a dragon at fourteen." 

"I don't think he did that on purpose." I pointed out. 

"Are you kidding?" Fred asked, leaning around his brother to look at me, "Some of the most incredible accomplishments in history happened purely on accident." 

Harry stood in the mouth of the cave, looking a bit daunted. I couldn't say I could blame him, but the look quickly faded as he spotted the nest, and the egg, in the center of the arena. He took a couple of steps forward, heading for the nest when the Horntail's namesake crashed into the rocks behind him, sending him flying across the arena. 

I screamed into my gloved hand, leaning into George's side. He ran his hand over my back, between my shoulder blades, and I watched in horror as Harry only nearly escaped a blast of fire from the dragon's mouth. Fred lifted a pair of binoculars to his eyes, a strange smile on his face. I spotted Neville Longbottom and Aurora sitting in the row below us, and Aurora had reached over and put a comforting hand on Neville's arm. 

Harry ran across a large cavern of rock, jumping onto the boulder that housed the nest. He landed just on the edge of it, his hands slipping and struggling to find purchase as the dragon flew into the air, slapping its tail down mere inches away from him. The crowd gasped as Harry slid to the ground again, only for the dragon's tail to once again bat him across the arena, sending him plummeting into a wall of rock. 

The dragon landed on a nearby rock, letting out a roar, as if to praise itself for hurting Harry. He stood up, running through the cavernous path cut out of the rock with the Horntail spraying fire behind him, singing the ends of his robes as it did. 

"YOUR WAND, HARRY!" Hermione screamed from the row just below us. "YOUR WAND!" 

"Accio Firebolt!" Harry shouted, pointing his wand into the air. 

The dragon took to the sky again, positioning itself on the edge of the arena as Harry took cover behind a rock. He peered around to look at the dragon, causing it to charge at him, roaring in his face. 

The dragon let out another firey breath, enveloping the rock Harry was hiding behind. He stayed down until the breath had concluded and then stood up, sprinting from behind the boulder and jumping into the air just as his broom zipped past. He landed on top of it, causing the crowd to roar in approval as he began soaring around the dragon's head. 

He went high into the air above the dragon and then dived down once again. The Horntail followed his movements with his head, and Harry managed to pull his broom upwards only seconds before being caught in flames. 

Chocolate & Honey (A George Weasley Fanfiction) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now