Chapter Twenty-Seven: Bad Days and Ballgowns

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The wind grew colder, and snow was threatening to fall, so Siara, Aurora, and I made the plan to go to Hogsmede and go dress shopping before it would be too hard to get there. 

Gladrags Wizardwear was the clothing store in Hogsmeade, and had been around since the 1800s. It wasn't as good as Madame Malkins, in my opinion, but I had no doubt that we'd be able to find our ball gowns there. 

"Ok, so, what are your deal breakers, before we get there?" I asked as the three of us trekked through the cold towards Hogsmeade. 

"I don't know," Aurora groaned, "I suppose I want it to be long enough that I'm comfortable but not so long that I trip over it. And I'm not wearing heels." 

"Fair enough," Siara said with a smile, "Any color preferences?" 

She shrugged. 

"I like blue." She admitted after a moment. "What are you two going for?" 

"I'm thinking about green," Siara admitted, "I think it'd look good with my dark hair and my skin tone, and..." 

"And you're going with a Slytherin?" I finished for her. She shrugged, causing me to chuckle. "I don't know. I might be cliche and find something in yellow." 

"Yellow does look stunning on you." Siara agreed, flipping my school tie over my shoulder. I smiled. "So...has anyone locked you down yet?" 

"Nope," I said, trying not to let that fact upset me, "But worst case scenario, I go with Darius. That'll be fun at least, going with a friend." 

"Yeah, and George will hate it." Siara pointed out. 

"I thought you said George didn't like you," Aurora said bluntly, "Why would he care who you go to the ball with?" 

"You're exactly right, Aurora," I answered, looping my arm through hers, "He doesn't and he won't." 

"Whatever you say." Siara answered skeptically as Aurora pushed me off of her. 

"Sorry." I said. She shrugged. 

"Hey! Sen!" 

I turned around at the sound of my nickname, groaning internally as I saw Fred waving wildly in my direction. George stood beside him with his hands jammed in his pockets. He kept glancing between me and the ground, only ever staring at me for a few seconds. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. What reason would he have to be avoiding me?

Unless...he knew that he was rejecting me. Did he know that I like him? Did he say what he said, knowing how I feel? 

I waved at Fred with a polite smile, letting it fall as I glanced at George before facing forward and looping my arm through Siara's. 

"Is it just me, or did it just get cold out here?" She quipped. I shot her an unamused look while Aurora shot her a confused one. 

"Its been cold the whole time," She said, "Its December." 


The bell dinged above the door of Gladrags as we entered, and was immediately followed by an excited scream. 

"Hogwarts students!" The owner, Azaelia Hill rushed over, dressed in a fabulously strange outfit, "I've been hoping some of you would stop by! You're here for the Yule ball, aren't you?" 

"Yes, ma'am, we've come to buy our ball gowns," I replied, "Also, I'd like to look at dress robes, if that's possible." 

"Ah, shopping for your lad, are you?" She asked. "Can't live with 'em, I always say." 

Chocolate & Honey (A George Weasley Fanfiction) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now