Chapter Seven: Death Eaters and Defeats

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"Come on up, take your seats," Mr. Diggory said, guiding us into our row at the very top of the pitch. We had to duck beneath the stadium lights in order to reach our seats. "I told you these seats would be worth waiting for." 

We had just barely gotten situated when Ireland's team flew into the pitch, whooshing over our heads with green and white smoke trailing behind them. The surprise of it knocked me forward, nearly sending me over the railing, had Fred and George not grabbed my arms and held me upright 

I laughed, glancing up at them in scared shock. 

"Its the Irish!' Fred shouted. "There's Troy!" 

"And Mullet!' George chorused as they flew up into the sky, exploding a collection of fireworks that turned into a dancing leprechaun in the sky.

"And Moran!" 


Everyone erupted into cheers at the display, when the leprechaun was dissolved into a cloud of red sparks as the Bulgarian team flew right through it. 

"HERE COME THE BULGARIANS!" George screamed, and we all cheered in amazement as they came soaring over the pitch. One player in particular even jumped off of his broom, holding on with his hands and doing a sort of flipping hand stand.

"Who's that?!" Ginny called, pointing him out. 

"Yeah!" Harry cheered. 

"That, sis, is the best Seeker in the world!" Fred told her. 

My eyes widened as the stands just across from us magically turned into a screen, showing the seeker in question posing on his broom in front of a blue, cloudy sky. 

"Krum! Krum! Krum!' The crowd chanted. 

"See what I mean about stars?" I asked. "The crowd cheered for Ireland as a whole, but they only cheer for Krum here!" 

"Hence our bet," George told me, "Ireland wins, but Krum gets the snitch." 

"I still think you shouldn't have done it," I said, "But I must admit I do like your odds." 

"Good evening!" The voice of Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic boomed over the pitch, "As Minister for Magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch Wold Cup! Let the match...begin!" 


Immediately following the match, we headed back to our tent, where the boys were full of energy and Fred and George were several Galleons richer. 

Mr. Weasley was lighting the wood stove while Fred and George were doing an Irish Jig in the center of the tent. They pretended to play the flute along with their dance while Harry and Ron chanted 'Krum' to the rhythm of Bulgaria's entrance music. Hermione and Ginny sat on the steps of the bedroom, watching on in amusement. I sat in an armchair with Bill, Percy, and Charlie spread out around me, all arguing the logistics of the game, while noises of celebration erupted around us. 

"There's no one like Krum!' Ron said, standing up on a chair. Fred and George stopped dancing, turning to look at him. 

"Krum?" Fred asked. 

"Dumb Krum?" George added. 

"He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind!" Ron said as Fred and George circled around him, flapping their arms like wings while saying 'Dumb Krum' in deep caveman voices. 

"he's more than an athlete," He continued as Fred tossed his Irish flag over his head, "He's an artist!" 

"I think you're in love, Ron." Ginny teased. 

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