Chapter Five: Hufflepuffs and Quidditch World Cups

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Ginny, Hermione, and I were among the first ones up the following morning, though the latter two weren't particularly happy about it. I have always been a morning person, to the annoyance of everyone who's ever had to share a room with me, so I was up, dressed, and downstairs helping Mrs. Weasley with breakfast first thing.

Mr. Weasley was downstairs next, and Mrs. Weasley left me to stir while she went to wake up the others. He sat down at the table, pulling out an envelope so that he could count out the tickets.

"Excited, Senicka?" He asked cheerfully.

"Beyond," I answered, "I can't thank you enough for including me, Mr. Weasley."

"Oh, of course," he said, "you've been a good friend to our boys. Besides, anyone who has ever tried to wrangle Fred and George deserves a reward for their efforts. It is no easy job."

"That it isn't." I agreed as Mrs. Weasley returned, taking over for me and ushering me to sit down at the table.


After breakfast, we all loaded up our packs and then headed out, starting out hike to the nearest Portkey, which was located at Stoatshead Hill.

I fell into step between Fred and George, who were yawning and stumbling along. I on the other hand, was enjoying the cool of the morning and the way the fog seemed to settle over the trees. I reached up, pulling my hair into a ponytail.

"How are you so awake right now?" George asked through a yawn. I shrugged.

"It's a nice morning. We're going to the Quidditch World Cup," I said, "I'm among friends. It's a great time to be alive."

"Ugh, she's hufflepuffing again." Fred groaned, prompting me to roll my eyes.

"So what's gryffindoring then?" I asked. "Being brave so long as you don't have to wake up early?  All you have to do to beat a Gryffindor is act before the sun is up?"

"Pretty much." George said, only half listening. I shook my head as he reached up, lightly tugging on my ponytail. I batted his hand away.


It was a long, exhausting hike up Stoatshead Hill, though the cool air of the morning had managed to keep off most of the sweat. It was early enough that the sun still hadn't risen as we finally reached level ground again, but you could tell it wasn't far behind. Fred and George had spent the vast majority of the walk complaining. I made fun of them for complaining, and they made fun of me for 'hufflepuffing' some more, when another voice rang out from the large tree just ahead of us. 

"Arthur!" A man's voice boomed. "Its about time, son! Portkey's leaving in ten minutes!" 

I looked up to see a man standing beneath the tree with a walking stick in his hand.

"Sorry, Amos," Arthur apologized, "Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." 

He looked back at Ron, who didn't even attempt to hide his yawn. 

"This is Amos Diggory everyone. Works with me at the ministry." Mr. Weasley introduced, "He works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures." 

The man spotted me standing just behind Mr. Weasley, and he instantly pointed in my direction. 

"That's a Scamander if I've ever seen one!" He exclaimed. "Solomon and Thalia's girl?" 

"Yes sir, I'm Senicka." I introduced, shaking his hand. "Its great to meet you, your department does a lot of terrific work for Magical Creatures." 

"As does your family's sanctuary," He agreed, glancing down at the strap of my pack, "Say, is that a Bowtruckle on your pack?" 

Chocolate & Honey (A George Weasley Fanfiction) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now