Chapter Thirty-Three: Kisses and Confessions

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By theh time I reached the door to the Great Hall, George was already gone. But luckily I knew the path to the Gryffindor common room like the back of my hand, so I sprinted up the stairs with my skirt in one hand and my shoes in the other.

For a second, I was worried that I was going to lose him, and that he would disappear into te Gryffindor common room before I could catch him. I began coming up with solutions in my head of how I could get in or what I could do to get his attention when I rounded the corner into a dark, abandoned corridor.

I slowed to a stop as I saw his retreating figure halfway down the corridor, his robe hanging from his hand and dragging along the floor as he walked.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I shouted.

He stopped at the sound of my voice, turning around to look at me. He gestured icredulously with his robe, sliding his other hand into his pocket.

"Tell you, what?" He asked. "I haven't screwed everything up enough for one night? What did I leave out now-"

"Why didn't you tell me about the badges, George?" I repeated. He paused, staring at me.

I began to walk, dropping my skirt and slowly closing the distance between us. He turned to face me fully, but stayed glued to his place.

"The badges?" He repeated. I stopped walking with a scoff, waving my shoes in the air.

"Don't play dumb with me right now, you know what I'm talking about," I said, my voice shaking, "You told Darius how to fix the 'Potter Stinks' badges, and you told him specifically not to tell me."

He nodded.

"Well clearly he didn't listen," He said with a shrug, "Just add that to the list of reasons I can't stand that guy."

"Then why did you help him?!" I exclaimed, holding my arms out. "If you hate him so much, then why did you contribute to his cause, and more over, why did you have him keep it from me?!"

"Why?" He questioned. I nodded, and now it was his turn to start walking towards me. "The truth is, I couldn't care less about Darius Avery, or if he wins this bloody tournament. It doesn't matter to me if the whole school starts pitting him against Harry, and I don't give flying shit what people think about him or the Slytherin kids-"

"Then why did you do it?! Its a pretty simple question George, if you dont' care, then why-"

"Because you do!" He shouted, stopping in his tracks again. I furrowed my eyebrows at this.

"What?" I asked. He sighed, tossing his robe on the floor and raking a hand through his hair.

"Because...for some reason that I will never understand, you care about Darius Avery. You care about Slytherins, and house equality, and stereotypes, and fairness, and I'll be honest, none of that stuff has ever mattered to me, and it probably never will but matter to me, Sen. What you want, and how you feel, that stuff matters to me, but I didn't want to actively encourage all of this and make you think that I was on board, because I didn't want you to be disappointed when you found out that I wasn't. I don't care about him, I care about you."

I nodded, wrapping my arms around myself.

"Then why didn't you ask me to the ball?"

Even from our distance, I could see his eyes going wide. He took his hands out of his pockets, rubbing them against the back of his pants. He swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing.

"Because I thought you were in love with Darius," He admitted, his voice shaking, "And just like with those stupid badges, doesn't matter how I feel, it matters how you feel, and if being with him is what was going to make you happy then I wanted you to do that. I wasn't going to stand in your way deserve to have everything that you want...even if its him."

Chocolate & Honey (A George Weasley Fanfiction) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now