Chapter 24

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In Which Alfred Demonstrates The Meaning of The Phrase "Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Fire"

When faced with a difficult situation where he'd been caught doing something he probably shouldn't, and asked for an explanation, Alfred responded like he always did. Which is to say, badly. His brain immediately went on strike and left his mouth to say whatever the hell it wanted too. Alfred's mouth had just been making up excuses to get into Ivan's house, appealing to Natalya that he wanted to see her brother, as Alfred had realized for better or for worse Natalya seemed to like it when he hung out with his supposed Ex. Maybe she wanted to use him as a reminder to Ivan of his bad dating choices so he would choose her instead, Alfred thought.

Since Alfred's mouth had been trying so hard to convince Natalya he wanted to see Ivan, it figured why not try the same excuse on Ivan, but it didn't come out half as convincing.

"Would you believe me if I said I came because I wanted to see you?"

Alfred asked, looking and sounding quite guilty. Ivan frowned. If Alfred had asked any other way, Ivan might have believed him- Alfred had been doing quite a lot of seeking Ivan out recently, partially because he said Ivan was the only sane person left, and partially to give him hell for the glitter- but in this situation, Ivan only grew more suspicious. He formed a smile that didn't look sweet at all, and bluntly gave his answer.


Alfred began to sweat.

"I-I came to talk with your sister?"

Now he wasn't even trying, and Ivan knew it. Alfred, along with most people, were terrified of Natalya, and perfered to keep as far away as possible. Ivan beamed in a kind of way that said "tell me the truth or I will break your legs". Alfred, unaffected, tried one final excuse.

"Gilbert dared me too!"

It wasn't that bad of an excuse, actually, when he thought about it. It was totally something Gilbert might do.

"I know you are not talking with Gilbert."

Ivan refuted with the rumour that was now popular knowledge. So maybe that wasn't such a good excuse. Alfred looked trapped. Ivan looked like he was considering a clmore creative way of making Alfred talk, possibly including breaking some fingers. Alfred desperately tried to think of a good excuse, but his brain stubbornly refused to work, so, left with no other option, Alfred decided to go the safest option and only tell part of the truth.

"Fine. I just wanted to see what your room looks like."

He admitted grumpily, avoiding looking at Ivan's face in case Ivan could tell he was lying. Ivan responded in a voice more confused that anything he'd said that night so far.


"Well, if you were home, you wouldn't let me in."

Alfred mumbled, rambling in an attempt to not give Ivan a chance to doubt him. Ivan didn't say anything, so Alfred sneaked a peak. Ivan was giving him an unfathomable stare. Alfred flushed with shame under the stare, sure Ivan could see right through him, but determined to back his lie to the end, since it was the only one that seemed semi-concinving. Belatedly, Alfred realized he could have just said that Mathew had bugged him into going, but it was too late now. Feeling uncomfortable under Ivan's stare, Alfred searched for a distraction.

"Anyways, what's with your room? It's like, messy and clean. Dude, it's like a mix of my room and Mattie's."

Alfred reached the floor and pinched a piece of clothing in a decent imitation of Arthur as he quoted his older brother.

"Don't you know what a laundry basket is?"

Then Ivan turned an interesting pink colour and Alfred realized he'd accidentally snatched up a pair of Ivan's boxers for out of the pile on the floor.

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