Chapter 3

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Farkle Pov

I wake up, and wonder why I don't see my poster of Napoleon on my wall. I looked around, and remembered where I was. I turn my head to see Riley, in a t-shirt and shorts.

"Morning Farkle", she said in a cheery tone. I smile back, and said,

"Is anyone else awake?" She simply shook her head. I leaned down, and kissed a sleeping Smackle's forehead.

"Want to make breakfast?" "My parents won't be up for a long time, they sleep like bears on Saturdays," Riley asked.

So she and I walked over to the kitchen, and decided to make cinnamon rolls, our favourites. Everything was going well, until Riley said,

"Farkle, where is the flour?"

"I have it over here Riley," I replied, and placed it right in front of her. I suddenly had an idea.

"How much flour do you need right now?" I asked, in a curious tone.

"About another quarter cup," she answered. I measured a quarter cup, and said,

"Here you go," and I threw the flour over her head. She shrieked, and I yelled,

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR SPRAYING WATER AT ME! THANK YOU, I AM FARKLE!" You can probably tell what happened next. Riley threw more flour at me, I chucked an egg at her forehead, a typical baking fight. By the end, we were rolling on the ground laughing, the cinnamon rolls completely forgotten. Maya, Smackle, Josh, and Lucas walked in, took one look at us, and started to laugh as hard as we were. We did clean up, and somehow made delicious cinnamon rolls. By then, Lucas, Maya, Smackle and I had to leave, so we gathered our belongings and left.

"Thanks Riles, I had a great time!" I exclaimed as I left. On the subway ride home, and for the rest of the day, all I could think about was Riley. Her gorgeous brown hair, her contagious laugh, her bubbly attitude. What I never thought would ever happen again, was becoming a reality. Am I still in love with Riley?

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