Chapter 8

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Lucas Pov

Today, Riley and I are on a triple date with the rest of the gang. We decided to go bowling, so right now we are tying up our laces, prepared to compete. "Couples vs couples?" I suggested, as we were debating teams. "No, we should change it up a bit. I'll go with Riley, you go with Maya, and Smckle goes with Josh." Farkle exclaimed, smiling. Everybody agreed, so we paired up. Farkle was literally standing as close as possible to Riley as he could, and kept asking if she needed help. Riley waved him off, and was obviously a pro at bowling. Farkle was too, with his math skills. They were constantly getting strikes, and Farkle hugged her every time that happened. I felt a flame inside me. Jealousy. How could I be jealous of Farkle? Riley loves me, I love her. I have nothing to worry about. I focused once again on the game, as Maya desperately is trying not to hit the gutter. I laugh, knowing all she would do is call me one of her favourite nicknames for me. "Shut up Sundance, you're not much better," she growled. It was true, I sucked at bowling. Of course, Josh and Smackle weren't the best either, as neither of them could possibly beat Riley and Farkle. They won anyways, and as we walked home, I decided to confront Farkle. "Hey bud, why were you acting so close with Riley?" He turned a deep shade of red, and replied, "I-i-i-t's nothing! Just happiness and the fact that Riley is a great friend with her pretty hair and gorgeous eyes...."  He kept rambling on about Riley. It was clear, Farkle was still in love with Riley. " Look, Farkle, you are my best friend. But you are dating Smackle, and I'm dating Riley." "I'm sorry, but she's my girl. And you have your girl, Smackle." "Lucas, I love Riley, and I can't help that. So either give her to me, or I'll win her over." Farkle angrily said. "Are you so sure about that? I mean it took you what, 3 years to win over Smackle?" I answered. "We have to fight for Riley, and she will choose who she wants. Yes or no? Because if you choose no, then you leave Riley alone." "I choose...

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