Chapter 17

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Auggie Pov (nobody does Auggie pov!! It's so sad!)
I'm texting my girlfriend, Ava, when I hear the door slam. Riley stomps into her bedroom, crying. I open the door, and jump onto her bed, right next to her. "Riley, why are you crying? I thought you were with Lucas!" I ask her. "Go get Mom, and Dad, and tell them to call Uncle Josh and Uncle Shawn, okay?" I run to mom and dad's room, where they are watching the news. "Mom, Dad, Riley wants you two in her room, and she said to call Uncle Josh and Uncle Shawn." They look confused, but do it anyways. Mom and I walk to Riley's room, to find Maya comforting Riley. "L-l-lucas and I b-b-b-broke up," she stuttered. "Why? Did you two have a fight?"I asked. "No, but he and Farkle were fighting over me, because Farkle is still in love with me!" She says. "But I thought Farkle and Smackle were together!" Mom protested. "No, they had a mutual break up." Riley says, as she sniffles into her kleenex. "There's something else I need to tell you guys." she adds. Suddenly, Uncle Josh, Uncle Shawn, and Dad burst into the room. "Joshie!!!!!" I exclaim. I love seeing Uncle Josh! "Auggie!" He answers, and he picks me up and places me in his shoulders. "What's wrong Riley?" Uncle Shawn asks. "I-I-I'm pregnant. With Lucas's baby." "RILEY AMY MATTHEWS HOW DARE YOU GET PREGNANT!" Dad asks. "CORNELIUS ALLEN MATTHEWS GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Mom answers. Dad left. "Riley, how did this happen?" Uncle Shawn asks. Uncle Josh lets me down, and tells me to go with dad. I walk out, as I hear my big sister cry her heart out.

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