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Matt pulled Casey into his room later that afternoon as the sun was getting ready to set.
"What's up?" She asked, seeing that he was a little on edge.
"Nothing, well not NOTHING, I mean I was thinking, since we never got a chance to really go out, why don't I take you to dinner tonight?

Casey thought it was adorable how nervous he was.
"Like a date?" She asked. Her smile could have lit up the room.
"Sure, like a date. Yeah, a date." He said, awkwardly.
"Of course. That'll be perfect."

Matt didn't know what tomorrow would bring. In fact, tomorrow was no longer guaranteed. He wanted to do something for her, something to make her feel normal. Casey suddenly hurried away down the hall, leaving Matt scratching his head.

Casey found Shannon in her room folding clothes and putting them away.
"Hey, I need your help."
"Sure, what's up?"
"Matt asked me to go to dinner tonight."
"Like a date?"

Casey nodded. Shannon gave her a hug. Their first official date. She could see how excited her friend was.
"Your first date!" She gushed. "Wait, I know why you're here. You have nothing to wear."
Casey nodded with a sad face.

"You came to the right place." Shannon said. She opened her closet, allowing Casey to pick whatever she wanted. Together, they laid out a few outfits and Casey tried them on in front of Shannon. This is what it was like to have a true friend. They both needed it.

Casey had to leave her whole life behind after her family was murdered and she was on the run. Shannon on the other hand had lost both Amy and Gab, her two closet friends.

As night fell everyone was at Matt's. Ben and Mary brought over Sierra and they ordered pizza. There was plenty of beer and wine as they had a little going away party before the big day tomorrow. It was kind of morbid, having a party and all the while not knowing who was coming back alive, but it was important to the O'Hara's.

Casey came down wearing a short pair of black shorts and a black tight shirt that showed off her toned stomach. Her blonde hair looked almost white and was newly straightened. Shannon had helped her get ready.

"Damn!" Jenna said. "Where you going?"
Casey played coy. "I might have a date tonight."
Everyone gave out embarrassing hoots and hollers and whistles, much to her embarrassment.

Then Matt came down wearing simple blue jeans and a white long sleeve shirt that contoured perfectly to his arms and chest.
"Sorry man, I'm just not used to seeing you in a black t-shirt and a black baseball hat." Shaun joked.

"Where you guys going?" Mary asked.
"The Lake House." Matt replied.
It was an upscale restaurant about a half hour away that sat right next to a lake, hence the name.
"Great choice." Ben added.
"Well, you guys have fun." Phil said. "We'll be here, getting drunk."

They were tempted to eat at an outside table when they arrived but because of the chill in the air they chose inside by the window, getting a perfect view of the lake and the fountain that was lit up a beautiful shade of pink. Matt looked across at Casey.

"You are so beautiful." He said.
He caught her off guard with his compliment and she turned away. When she looked back her eyes were shining a striking sapphire blue shade.
"Stop it." She said.

"I mean it." He said. "How do your eyes do that? I need to know."
She shrugged. "Nobody knows. My parents took me to a couple doctors when I was little, they couldn't figure it out." She took a bite of her steak. "You know Sam's eyes do it too. Bright green."
Matt's eyes widened. "You think it's coincidence?"

"I'm starting to realize when new people come into our little group, nothing is coincidental." She replied.
Matt had to agree. "Hey, listen. Whatever happens tomorrow I want you to stay in Tyler's life, that is if you want to. He loves you. I can see it. If anything happens to me he'll need you."

Casey thought about Tyler's "mom" slip up. She smiled thinking about it, but she didn't tell Matt.
"I will absolutely be there for him. BUT, nothing is going to happen to you." She replied.

"Seventy-five soldiers, ten monsters, or whatever the hell they are..... It's a long shot we all make it out alive. There's seven of us going up against that."
Casey smirked. "Since when did we start caring about the odds?"

He had to grin, they had been up against it before and had always come out on top.
They finished their food. Matt looked across the table at his gorgeous date. "So what do you want to do next?"

There was only one place she wanted to be, and he felt the same. Back home with their friends, all together one final time. Matt read her mind.
"Let's go home."

He walked Casey to the passenger side and opened the door for her. As he walked around to his side he heard Casey.
"Matt." She said, simply.

He looked over and saw a young man with a knife to her throat. She was holding both of his wrists. Matt looked around. They were parked close to the lake by a wooded area. There was no one else around.

"Take it easy." Matt said to the man.
The guy was in his early twenties with messy hair and dirty jeans. He had on a black jacket and a black beanie.

Matt's immediate thought was another random looking for Tyler, like the ones they've been fighting off before Jenna told them they were okay in the immediate future and could take some time off. The other thought was that Walker had sent someone to spy on them. If it was the latter that would mean they lost the element of surprise tomorrow.

"Give me your wallet." The guy said suddenly.
Did he want to know Matt's address? Why ask for a wallet?
"And her purse. Get it and throw it to me." He said. His voice was shaking. This was no professional, he couldn't have been sent by Walker.

Matt came to a sudden realization.
"Wait. Are you robbing us?"
"Do what I say! Your wallet! Now!"
Matt laughed. He couldn't believe it. The coincidence with the situation they were in was a surreal. This guy really picked the wrong people. Matt nodded to Casey, who knew exactly what to do.

She easily flipped him onto his back. Matt came around and picked up the man's knife. He tossed it into the lake, then picked the guy up off the ground.

"You okay?" He asked Casey.
She smiled and nodded as she adjusted her shirt. Matt grabbed the guy. He did a quick scan of the parking lot. When he noticed it was clear he pulled the guy in and put his knee in the guy's gut, causing him to double over in pain. That shot was for putting a knife to his Casey's throat.

"I'm assuming you have no idea who you tried to rob tonight, do you?"
"I'm sorry." He said, as he tried to catch his breath. "Please, I'm sorry."
Matt looked at Casey and they both laughed.

Casey grabbed the man's wallet. "Look.... Pete Naroth." She said, reading his driver's license. "If you ever try to rob or hurt ANYONE ever again, we will find you and kill you." She grabbed his ear and twisted it. "Do you understand?"
The man nodded.

"Say I understand." Casey instructed.
"I understand." He yelled. Now, he was crying. Matt pushed him onto the gravel parking lot and Casey threw his wallet at him, hitting him in the head with it.

They got into the truck and started laughing.
"That was fun." Casey said.
"A little warm up for tomorrow." Matt replied.

The Chosen Ones: Book 3: The War Where stories live. Discover now