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Phil moved quietly to the front of the nice two story house. He wore blue jeans and a gray hoodie. He pulled the hood up over his black beanie.

Shannon was with him. Uncharacteristically for her she was wearing gray sweatpants and a black hoodie, which she also pulled up over her head.

"Is this the place?" She asked him.
Phil looked down at the white piece of paper with the address scribbled on it.
"That's what it says." He replied.
"Why didn't Matt just text it to you?" She asked.

"He's always writing shit down." Phil replied. "You know him, he's old school."
"Well, should we knock?" Shannon asked.
Phil motioned to the door. "After you."

She knocked. They kept their faces away from the doorbell camera. Everybody had these darn ring cameras nowadays. It was dark, but only eight o'clock in the evening. If they showed up any later they would have looked suspicious.

A light came on and the door opened. A surprisingly young man with long brown hair and black glasses stood in front of them. He was dressed casual, wearing jeans and a white sweater.

What was it with these people and the color white? The man smiled as he saw them, a sign he had no idea who they were. If he did he would have never opened the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked, politely.
"Are you doctor Jenetta?" Phil asked. "Michael Jenetta?"
"That's right." He replied.

Shannon pulled out her .45 magnum, equipped with a silencer, and put it right between his eyes.
"You going to invite us in?" She asked.
They pushed past him, backing him up. Phil closed the door after giving a quick look around outside.

The doctor, or scientist, if you preferred, was petrified.
"You alone?" Shannon asked.
"Y-Y-Yes." He stuttered. "Oh Jesus, please take whatever you want!"

Shannon motioned for Phil to check the house anyway. It was a modest one at that. Newly built but not overly extravagant. Either he was laying low as to not draw attention to himself, or the Nest didn't pay well. She kept her gun pointed at him without speaking until Phil came back.

"It's clear." Phil told her.
"Will anyone be joining us at any time soon." Shannon asked.
"No, I live alone." He replied. His voice was shaking. "What's this about? Please, I'll give you anything, you want money? I'll give you money."

"You worked at a place called the Nest?" Phil asked. "For a man named Walker. Is that right?"
"Oh Jesus Christ. Yes, but-but-...."
"Calm down." Phil told him. "We know all about you. I'm sure by now you know the Nest is no longer standing."

"Oh Jesus Christ, are you guys the uh- uh, what do they call you guys?" He stammered.
"The Chosen Ones?" Shannon finished for him. "Yeah, we really don't like that title."

"Yes, I saw the building." He told them. "Or what was left of it, but I don't know what happened. Mr. Walker isn't returning my calls."
"Walker is dead." Shannon said, bluntly. Her gun still fixated on his head.
"Oh God." The doctor cried. "I'm gonna be sick."

"You were one of the scientists there, correct?" Phil asked.
"You created some fucked up shit in that dungeon, didn't you?"
"I can explain that." Jenetta said, trying to sound calmer.

"Nobody can explain that." Shannon said.
"We need you to get us all of the paperwork you have on those experiments. Any documents you have that pertain to the Nest, you're going to get them right now and bring them here. My friend here will escort you. I wouldn't try anything if I were you." Phil explained.

Shannon walked behind him as he went upstairs. They were only gone for a minute. When they returned, doctor Jenetta was holding a cardboard filing box. He wasn't too secretive about it as the box was marked: NEST CONFIDENTIAL. He placed it on his couch. Phil popped the lid off and rummaged through the documents.

Shannon ordered the doctor to start a fire in his fireplace. She looked at Phil.
"We good?"
He nodded. "Yeah." Phil dropped the box at the doctor's feet. "Burn it all." He ordered.

"Please, let me explain." He said.
"Shut up." Shannon said, sternly.
They waited in silence until they were both satisfied it was all burned with nothing to trace. They didn't want detectives coming in and finding a tiny piece of paper with the Nest's location on it that sparked an investigation, like in the movies.

"If you just give me a chance to explain why we were doing these experiments." The doctor pleaded.
"Did you give those kids a chance?" Shannon asked. She didn't wait for an answer.

She fired a single bullet between his eyes.

The Chosen Ones: Book 3: The War Where stories live. Discover now