Part 2~ fifth Year 1975

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Lily, y/f, and I walked to our dorm room together after the feast. As always, Dumbledore gave his speech. Don't go into the Forbidden Forest (directed at us), don't stay up past curfew (directed at us), and don't pull pranks (only added for us). Of course, as he was saying that I was already planning our first prank of the year.


When we got to Lily and y/f's dorm, I helped them unpacked then we just talked.

An hour later, I told the girls I was going to the boys' new dorm. I almost opened the door labeled '4th Year Boys,' but I stopped myself and opened the next door. They were all sitting on their beds with the trunks they brought still in the neat pile that Remus made almost three hours ago.

"Hey." I said barging into the room.

"Geez, you scared me." James yelled.

"Sorry, not sorry. So, how are all of you settling in?" I asked sitting down on Moony's bed.

Sirius smirked while looking between the two of us.

"Oh, for fuck's sake, Padfoot!" I basically screamed at him. I got up and sat on James's bed instead. "Better?" I questioned.

"No." James cried.

"I didn't ask you, did I? Siri was looking at me like I'm about to snog Moony."

"I was thinking a lot more than that, actually." Sirius muttered under his breath. If looks could kill, he would've died right then and there, and I would've laughed at him. "Okay, okay. I get it, sorry."

"Well, I've got to go to my own dorm before Slughorn or Minnie realize I'm in here." I got up and opened the door. Standing there was none other than Professor Minnie McGonagall. "Hey, Minnie. Just had to drop something off for my brother. I'll get going now."

"Don't let me find you in here again, Ms. Potter." I nodded and sprinted towards the door out the common room. I saw the first years I probably traumatized of the train there.

"Sorry about earlier, by the way, kids" I yelled as I ran out the door with the Fat Lady on it.

I made it to the Slytherin common room a minute later. I said the password and stepped inside. I hated this room. It was so gloomy, too green, too big, it had a horrible echo, and Snivilus was there. I quickly ran to my new dorm that I wouldn't actually be sleeping in, but I had to make it look like the room wasn't completely abandoned. I unpacked and sat on my bed looking at a map my friends and I had created. We called it the Marauder's map. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" I whispered while pointing my wand to the map.

The once blank piece of parchment filled with a map of the entire castle. I saw all my friends' names on it. James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius were all in their dorm probably laying on their beds, y/f was on the couch in the common room probably reading (your/ their favorite book), and Lily was in the courtyard with Severus.

I wanted to go back to the Gryffindor common room, but I could see Minnie basically patrolling the entire room probably making sure I wasn't going to be able to sneak in. But what she didn't remember is that I'm Slytherin's seeker in Quidditch. I had my own broom, a large window I could open, and the boys did too.

I grabbed my Nimbus 1500, opened the window, and quietly sped towards the Gryffindor tower. Luckily, I glanced out the window when I was in the boys' dorm and remembered exactly where it was. I arrived in under a minute and tapped on the glass.

"Y/N?" Peter shouted. I motioned for him to be quite and he opened the window.

"You idiot, Minnie could've heard. I saw her pacing the common room just before I left. She's making sure I'm not here." I informed them, climbing in through the window. I took out the map and pointed to where McGonagall was. Peter's eyes widened like he was shocked.

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