Part 8~ When?

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I snuck into Minnie's office to see it completely empty. This would be easy. The gold necklace was hanging from a statue of a tree. I, still in my drunken state, managed to stumble my way over to it. I sort of fell onto the tree holding onto the necklace. The clasp broke and I went tumbling onto the floor.

I picked myself up and walked into the boys' dorm. I was expecting them to be back, but I guess they're almost done with whatever they are doing. I didn't have the energy to change my clothes or wash my face, so I just laid down on Remus' bed. I pointed my wand at the broken clasp and said "Reparo" Trying to keep it steady. I think it worked, but I dropped it onto my lap.

Something didn't feel right. Nothing was right. I looked around the room. I realized I had almost instantly sobered up and got a lot more energy. Nothing looked different, but it smelled different. Padfoot's strong cologne was no longer detectable, Moony's sheets didn't smell like him, and there was a book on Sirius' side table.

I decided to just go back to my dorm. I didn't notice at the time, but the time turner was still around my neck. When I was walking back I saw from the corner of my eye James and two other people who I didn't recognize. A boy around James' height with bright red hair and a bushy haired girl. I assumed it was Arthur Weasley and Molly née Prewett.

"Hey, James. Where were you?" The boy I thought was James turned towards me. In the little light there was, I could only see a few facial features and his eyes. They were green, unlike my twin's. I also realized in that instant that it wasn't Molly or Arthur either. "Sorry, I though you were my twin, his name is James. Who am I kidding? You probably already know who they are, I mean, it is everyday the famous Potter twins wreak havoc. Sorry to bother you."

"What did you just say?" The green-eyed boy asked.

"Sorry to bother you?" It came out sounding more like a question than an answer.

The trio started walking towards me. They were a lot shorter than I thought, maybe third years?

"You look exactly like my Aunt y/n. What is your name?"

"It's-" I started but I was cut off.

"Alice Lupin." Someone said behind me. I turned around quickly to see a professor.

"Professor Lupin. Sorry we were out past curfew." Lupin? Like Remus Lupin? My eyes grew wide. I saw the scars. His scars.

"Co- Alice, may I speak to you in my office?" Remus asked.

I nodded and followed him through the halls. But, instead of a professor's office, we stopped in front of a statue of a gargoyle. It started turning after Moony said 'Lemon Sherbert.' We walked up the stairs together. Inside the large room, I was met with three adults; Dumbledore, Minnie, and a woman who looked just like me. She had h/c hair, e/c eyes, and the same scars I did. The lady was also wearing a wedding ring. If this was me, how did I get to this time, and who did I marry?

"Y/n, you're probably super confused right now. Before you say or ask anything, just know I am you, which is why we were all here waiting for you." Shit. Shit. Shit. I must've turned that damn time turner when I dropped it.

"First, you should probably put on this on." Minnie said handing me some Slytherin robes. I was still wearing that dress I wore to the party.

"Thank you, Minnie."

"I would also like my time turner back."

"Oh, right, sorry about that by the way. I bet you were looking for that."

"Not really, you'll go back eventually. I just need to hold onto this because we need your help with your nephew." My eyes widened.

"James had a son?"

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