Part 16~summer 1994

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I was sitting in my temporary bedroom I shared with Ginny and Hermione writing letters to the witches and wizards I met at the Order meeting.


Harry, Ron, and Hermione figured out I'm not Alice. They are quite smart. They confronted me about it yesterday.

Sincerely, me. (A/N if you know where that's from, I love you.)

I repeated the same thing a few times, then found the Weasley's owl, Pigwidgeon. That was the same owl that crashed into the window after the meeting. I sent off the letters and started to pack a small bag for the world cup. We would be leaving in a few hours and I hadn't even started with filling up the medium sized backpack I brought. I brought the essentials, a few green shirts, and my Irish hats. I only had a few because they're my second favorite team after Puddlemere United. I also heard the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, well, former, he graduated last year, joined the team. We met a few times, obviously. He told me, "you'll give my seeker a run for his money" on multiple occasions. He was friendly. Enough with the gorgeous Scottish Quidditch player. I walked downstairs with my bag and set it near the door. Everyone was in the living room, presumably waiting for me.

"Sorry I took so long, are we going?" I asked. A few of them nodded and stood up. I fell back wanting to talk to Fred and George. We all walked through the door and to a small area filled with trees.

"Where are we actually going?" Harry asked.

"Don't know. Hey dad, where are we going?" Ron yelled.

"Haven't the foggiest, keep up!" Arthur yelled back and kept walking.

Suddenly, an older looking man wearing yellow and a large camping backpack appeared from behind a few trees. "Arthur! It's about time, son."

"Have you two have the faintest idea on who that is?" I asked the twins.

The both shook their heads, but before we could make any assumptions, Arthur spoke up. "Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." He looked back and made eye contact with both Ron and me. "This is Amos Diggory everyone. He works with me at the ministry." Diggory? Like Cedric's dad? Cedric dropped down from a branch on the large tree we were standing under. I ran to hug him because we were friends.

"Cedric!" I screamed happily.

From behind me, I heard, "Why doesn't she greet us like that?" I turned around and glared at them. "No wonder she's in Slytherin." Fred said jokingly.

"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" I pulled away from the hug as Cedric went to shake his hand.

"Yes sir."

Amos turned his attention to the rest of the group behind us. "Merlin's beard, you must be Harry Potter!" The man walked towards the boy as the rest of us watched. He stuck out his hand so Harry could shake it.

"Yes sir." He said repeating Cedric.

"It's a great pleasure." We kept walking when I fell slightly behind the group and could fully see everyone except for Cedric, who was beside me.

"They all desperately need haircuts, don't they?" I said tilting my head slightly.

Cedric didn't say anything, but he did laugh a bit. Amos and Arthur had both stopped in front of a boot. Cedric grabbed my hand and pulled me so we were all surrounding the shoe. It's a portkey. I followed his lead and grabbed the boot.

"Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" Harry asked.

"That isn't just any old manky boot, mate." Fred started.

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