Part 7~ sixth year 1976

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Let's just say I was excited for this "friendly" game. If I'm being honest, I told my team to treat this like it was the last game of the year. I knew that this wasn't going to be just a small game, in fact, Madam Hooch, the school's Quidditch teacher offered to ref.

The team and I were in our locker room getting ready when we heard the crowds. Definitely not a small game. Our new keeper was quite nervous, I could see it in her eyes.

"Hey, you'll do great, I promise." I sat down next to her holding my broom in between my legs.

"How can you promise that?" She asked me.

"Because. And if you don't do well, which you will, I will let you push me into the Black Lake. Deal?" I saw her laugh a bit before nodding and standing up.

"Now, I know I'm not supposed to say this, but, Gryffindor is getting too close to the snakes, so let's go out there and fucking bite them! They aren't in their den anymore, let's show them what they can't do."

Not going to lie, one of my worst pep talks, but it seemed to work. We got in position, the whistle blew, and we were in a V-formation circling the pitch. I was leading, our keeper to my left, Regulus to my right, he was a chaser, our beaters behind them, then our other two chasers.

I saw Remus in the crowd rocking his Slytherdor or Gryffilin jersey. (A/N I am imagining Mama Kelce's jersey that Travis got her. Iykyk) He was cheering with the rest of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw because he didn't know what side to root for. He was sweet for that.

We flew off into our starting positions. I went to shake hands with Prongs because it was mandatory.

Sirius was the commentator for all of the games. "And the Potter twins have shaken hands. Let the game begin." He yelled. Madam Hooch had already released the snitch, so she let the bludgers go and threw the quaffle into the air.

The Slytherin team grabbed the ball first and raced towards the goal posts. I shut off my mind. I always do, it helps me find that fucking snitch faster. I closed my eyes listening to the crowds roar.

Then, I heard it. It was close enough for me to hear its wings going a hundred miles per hour. I opened my eyes moving my head looking for even the slightest light reflecting off of the ball. It only took a few minutes before I had my eye on it. I followed it mainly with my eyes.

The little shit took so long to come close enough to me and far enough from James that it was guaranteed I would be the one to grab it, but it finally did. I raced after it, more cheering coming from the crowds as I sped around the pitch following the snitch. James caught on and tried to get ahead of me almost immediately, but that's the beauty of the plan, he couldn't. I got it.


After we all got cleaned up, I walked to the Gryffindor common room. Of course, I knew James would be sad, but he challenged me to the game.

I decided to not burst into the dorm like I always did. "Hey, guys. Good game today, Prongs. And you're right, that new chaser is really good." I shut the door behind me and walked over to the couch under the window.

I walked in on Remus and James playing Wizard's Chess, which was an unusual sight, but I didn't question it as much as I should've. "Hey, Coney." Moony and Prongs said simultaneously. James was winning, surprisingly.

'Why?' I asked Remus in my head. He and I have mastered this because we were just bored one day.

'He's mad about Quidditch'

'Makes sense. Don't let him win too easily, you know he'll find out'

'I'm not, I'm trying my best to sort of check myself, but he's kind of stupid'

I made the mistake of laughing out loud. Four heads turned towards me. "Sorry, just a joke someone told me the other day."

"Let's hear it, then" Padfoot said.

"Um- What's red and shaped like a bucket?"


"A red bucket." I giggled a little, but to my surprise James laughed.

"That might have been the stupidest joke known to mankind, y/n"

"I know."


'Nice, he believes it.'

'He's too oblivious to realize.'


"Why are you two staring into nothing right now?" Sirus asked waving his arms in front of our faces.

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking." I blurted out.


"Okay, then." Sirius didn't seem to believe it for a second.

"Hey, there's a party in the Slytherin common room tonight, do you guys want to come?" They looked skeptical, but I quickly added, "Snivilus won't be there if that's what you're thinking. He's become a bit of a goody two shoes." They all nodded.


I decided on a tight green sparkly dress. (I'll put kind of what I'm imaging in the comments, you can change it if you'd like. I love seeing the thing you all picture.) I also helped Marlene, Lily, and y/f choose outfits. They all wore party dresses similar to mine, except y/f's was (her favorite color or yours I don't care), Marlene's was a dark blue, and Lily had a maroon dress.

Only Lily had a date, who was James, obviously. We all walked down the stairs to the girl's dorms after doing hair and makeup. The boys were talking and sitting on the couch waiting for us. They needed me to get in because for some reason, none of them used their common sense to figure out what the password was.

The eight of us got down to the dungeons when Prongs asked, "Are you sure there's a party? I can't hear any music."

"The mufflito charm obviously." Lily said.

I decided to run ahead to open the door because I don't really want Lily to hear the password. I held the door open for them and we walked inside. I immediately realized members from all houses were here. I mean, Slughorn can't care that much, he usually spends the night in his classroom.

I took who I thought was y/f over to the drinks table, but when I turned around to hand her the bottle I had in my hand I was met by Remus looking down at me. "Oh Salazar. Sorry, Moony, I thought I grabbed y/f."

"It's okay, Coney. I could use a drink anyways." And just like that, he grabbed the bottle from my hand and practically chugged it. I laughed at this because I don't thing I've ever seen The Remus Lupin drink alcohol. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just don't think I've ever seen you drink before."

"Really? Well, I think I know why." I looked at him confused. "This is the first time I've ever had a drink."

"I guess that make sense." I grabbed another beer for y/f. I know she was probably wondering around the large room for me. "I'm going to go take this to y/f."

I don't know how long I danced or how many drinks I had, but I was pretty wasted.

I stumbled over to a crowd that was forming. There was an empty glass bottle on the small coffee table, and a vile of something I recognized instantly as veritaserum, a truth potion. They were playing truth or dare.

A few rounds went by before James landed on me. "Y/n, I dare you to steal Minnie's time turner."

"Bet." I said slamming my drink down.

A bit of a cliff hanger, sorry not sorry. Anyways, I was going to do something else for the time turner bit, but I couldn't wait, so I changed it a bit, don't worry the original timeline for J.K. Rowling's version still works with where I'm going. I suck at writing the Quidditch scenes as it turns out. Sorry this chapter took a little longer than usual. Again, my mock AP for government is coming up and I'm stressed, I also have volleyball practice like everyday this week. (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and then a tournament on Saturday) I also want to say the word 'volleyball' in this little note makes the word count on the entire story 12,345 words. Just thought I'd mention it. I also hit 41 pages on the word doc. I'm using. I feel like this is an accomplishment. Anyways, good night you midnight goblins.

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