Part 13~ third year 1993

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"Shit." I said plainly.

"You can say that again." Y/f answered.

"Shit." I smiled. "Lily says that a lot."

"What?" Harry asked. I again can't blame him; the kid didn't know his parents.

"She says 'you can say that again' religiously."

"Remus, my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius asked a blank Remus.

"Shit." He was turning. "Go, Harry, Hermione, take Ron into the castle, you need to leave now." I yelled at them even though they were no farther than 5 feet away. They all looked confused as fuck. "Damnit. Leave or help us get a werewolf under control!"

"You know the man you truly are, Remus. This heart is where you truly live. Here!" He said pointing to Moony's chest. "This flesh is only flesh!"

Peter grabbed Moony's wand and tried to do something with it, I'm not sure what though. "Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled. Peter waved as I was trying to catch him, but before I could, he had turned back into his animagus form and run off. I had turned too hoping that I could help and that the kids had decided what was best for them and started to return to the castle.

I was chasing Wormtail into the Forbidden Forest. I kept running after him. I chased him for around five minutes before I heard a howl. I stopped in my tracks. I didn't know where Remus was. I stood up on my back legs and looked around for a second before I saw something rather peculiar.

It was Buckbeak. What the fuck was he doing here?

I looked in the other direction because I thought I had heard something.

It was getting really cold.

I felt sad.

Nothing will ever be joyful again.


Of course. I started to run again. I'm considering myself lucky I'm a rabbit, they can run quite quickly.

I paused.

Right there in front of me was Sirius. My best friend. Laying on the ground. Lifeless. Getting his soul sucked out by large, hooded creatures. There next to him was my nephew. Also being attacked by dementors. I wanted to run to their aid. I wanted to help. But a strong force stopped me. I felt joy for a second. Then another. And another. It was a patronus. More specifically, a stag patronus. My twin's patronus. But he is dead? I don't understand. After all the dementors had cleared out, I raced to their sides. Both unconscious, but alive.

Remus was still somewhere. Now that I knew they were okay. Well, alive, okay doesn't sound right. I tried desperately to find him. I looked and looked and looked, but I just couldn't find or hear him anywhere.

Feeling defeated, I walked back to the castle hoping he was okay.

I decided to check if Sirius and Harry had either gained the strength to get up or if someone had brought them back. I was near the Whomping Willow, so I walked down the steep hill to the side of the lake. Future me and y/f were there helping the boys. Harry had gained consciousness, but Sirius was still out.

I raced up to Harry to give him a hug. "Harry, you dumbass, you could've gotten yourself killed!"

"I know, I know." Harry groaned. He looked back at Sirius, who was floating because Merlin knows we aren't going to carry him. "I saw my dad." He said suddenly.

"Harry, that's impossible."

"But it was a stag. My dad's patronus." He argued.

"Look, I know you miss him, I do too, but it's just impossible. I'm sure there will be a reason that will show itself when the time comes."

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