Part 4~ between fifth and sixth year 1976

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(A/N) I decided not to bore you all with the rest of year five so huge time jump to summer before sixth year which is 1976.

I was in our living room feeding my owl when Padfoot came hurdling down the stairs to the kitchen.

"What the fuck, Pads?" I basically shouted at him from the other room. My mum wasn't home, so I could swear all I wanted now.

"I need something, Coney!" I heard him yell back. I knew something was up, especially since Moony and Wormtail were also staying with us for a week.

I sighed and walked upstairs. I pushed the door to Prongs' room open a bit with my foot and peaked inside. In that room, I was expecting at least James to have something either broken in his hands or some weird little creature he had found. Instead, I saw Moony wide-eyed staring at a letter, my twin laying on his bed in shock, and Peter reading the parchment over Moony's shoulder.

"What the hell is going on? And why do you all look like something insane happened? Oh, let me guess, Lily said 'yes'?" I joked. James nodded slowly.

I ran over to the two boys in the middle of the room and yanked the note from their hands.


I'd love to go on a date with you this weekend. Just tell me where to be and I'll be there.

Xoxo, Lily'

I must have read that letter over and over and over again before I could fully comprehend what was happening.

"Holy shit, you have a date with Lily Evans." I said softly. "Holy shit, you have a date with Lily Evans." I said a bit louder. "Oh my god. I can not believe her!" I exclaimed. The four boys who were now all sitting on James' bed looked even more shocked than before.

"What?" Prongs asked.

"I knew she has liked you for a while, James." I looked into his eyes which were now wide with shock. "I think I might have known since the last time you asked her out, just before the end of last year."

"And you didn't tell me?" James asked slowly.

"Well, I couldn't just break Girl Code, now could I?" I answered very matter-of-factly.

"Girl Code? What's Girl Code?" Sirius asked.

"It's just like the Bro Code, but for girls. Like you have 'bros before hoes' we have 'sisters before misters'." They all looked shocked. "What, you've never heard of that before? I'm surprised. I'm also not allowed to tell the guy she fancies that she likes him, which is why I didn't tell you, Prongs." I sat down and tried to look nonchalant, but I was freaking out internally.


A few days later, the four of us were helping Prongs get ready for a date with Lily. They were going to this fancy muggle restaurant Lily suggested called 'The Cheesecake Factory.' She said dress better than he usually does, but not to over-do it. I picked out his clothes because if any of the boys did it, James would be wearing a three piece suit. I chose some jeans without holes in them and a button-up shirt.

While I was working my ass off trying to help my twin not look stupid, the four boys were doing nothing. I mean, Prongs was probably freaking out, but they were all just sitting on our couch talking.

I walked downstairs to give James his clothes so he could change. Never mind, 'give' isn't the right word for it. I used all the strength I could muster to throw the clothes at his face. That's more accurate.

"What was that for, Coney?" James yelled after me. I was trying to run up the stairs because I knew he was just behind me ready to throw whatever he had in his hand at the moment at me. Sibling love, am I right?

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