Part 11~ third year 1993

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I walked over to Cedric, who was sitting alone at the moment. He was putting some food on his plate, I didn't know what it was, but it looked good.

"Hey, Ced." I said sitting down on the bench next to him. "What's that? It looks delicious."

"Oh, it's just a small mince pie. They're on that plate over there if you want one."

"Who's the girl?" I asked looking at where he was staring.


"Who is the girl?" I asked slowly.

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I don't think she particularly likes me anyway."

"Well, she's wrong, but I do need a name if you're going to have any shot with her."

"Cho Chang. The Ravenclaw over there." He nodded his head to a group of Ravenclaw girls. One of them was staring right back at him, she smiled then continued talking to her friends.

"Oh, bullshit! She totally likes you. Did you see the way she smiled at you?" I stuffed the mince pie in my mouth. "Give me one minute." I said cautiously.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Never you mind, eat your food, I'll be back soon." And with that, I made my way over to the Ravenclaw table.

I sat opposite Cho and the talking at the table abruptly stopped as everyone looked at me. "Hey, you're Cho, right?"

"Yes, why?" She answered with a bit of uncertainty.

"I was wondering if you could help me with Defense Against the Dart Arts?"

"Why don't you ask you dad?"

"He's busy helping Harry."

"And your mum? She kind of does everything, doesn't she?"

"Yes, but I heard you're good at DADA, and I think I need someone who isn't my parents to help, you know, learn it a different way?"

"I guess, wait aren't you only a third year? Why don't you ask your cousin if he's getting help from your dad?"

"Stop making this difficult. I want to be friends with you."

"Oh, sure."

"Thank you." I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Library after dinner tonight?"

"That works for me, I was going to work on some homework there anyway."

"See you then." I said standing up walking back over to Cedric. "There, you come with me to the library tonight after dinner. I'll come up with a plan, then you two will have at least thirty minutes to yourselves."

"What?" He asked surprised.

"Don't worry about it. Any classes you're not the best at, by the way?"

"Transfigurations, why?"

"First of all, how are you not good at that class, second, perfect, third, your grade will definitely go up."

"I want to be scared."

"You should be." I whispered.


After dinner, which was delicious per usual. Cedric and I raced down to the library to get started 'studying.' After about five minutes, Cho walked into the large room, which was empty except for Cedric, me, and about three other students who were here before we arrived.

"Cedric, why can't you just turn the rat into a cup, it's not that difficult." I said sounding annoyed. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Hey, Alice, Cedric. What are you guys doing?"

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