Part 5~ sixth year 1976

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School had started a week ago. I was already drowning in homework, and Lily and James have finally started dating. Safe to say it has been a fucking hectic week.

I walked down the stairs to go back to my own common room. I still hated it down there, but it was becoming slightly more bearable because Snivilus was basically scared to death of me. I put him in the Hospital Wing for a few days that afternoon. I'm glad the boys pulled me off before I could kill him, honestly. There would've been a cell in Azkaban with my name on it if they didn't.

I got to the door of my common room, said the password, and walked inside. On the couch, I saw Snivilus and a few of his friends talking. Surprised he has any of those, to be honest. Then, on the chair closest to the fireplace, sat Regulus, Sirus' brother. He had definitely matured since the last time I saw him which was almost a year ago. He had grown dark black curls as well as gotten taller. He looked up at me as I sat down on the couch adjacent to where he was.

"Potter." Regulus greeted me.

"Baby Black." I replied smiling.

"Yeah, no." He looked back down to continue reading.

"Fine, sorry. Black." I said slightly annoyed but also laughing at my own joke.

"First time I've heard her apologize." Snape whispered.

"Excuse me?" I looked over to where he was.

"Yeah, excuse you. You caused permanent damage to my face!"

"Really? I think it looks better." I said making a faking a frown and tilting. (I hope you know what I mean) He stood up and slowly started towards me.

"We'll see about that." He said with a scowl on his face.

Everything moved so quickly. I don't know what happened. I heard him yell something. It sounded like 'spectrum' something, but I don't think that's right. I just felt a burst of pain everywhere. I let out a gut-wrenching scream.


I don't know what that was, or how long I laid on the cold, stone floor of my common room. I don't know who took me to the Hospital Wing. I don't know what that spell Snape used was. I don't know anything.

I must've blacked out from the pain. I felt myself get thrown back into consciousness before I heard some people talking. I don't know who was there, so I just called them person 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

"Who did this to her?" Person 1 asked.

"Severus." The second person answered. He must have been in the common room with me when it happened, but that doesn't really eliminate anyone, because I didn't see who else was there.

"I'll kill him." The third one said. Probably James or Sirius.

"Shouldn't we just talk to him?" Peter, person 4 was Peter.

"You twit." Replied the third person. Sirius, it was Sirius. Never in my whole life have I heard James call someone a 'twit,' but Sirius uses that insult religiously.

"Remember whose side we're on." I couldn't tell who that was. Named him person 5.

"I'm trying to, Moony, but this twit thinks we should 'just talk to him.'" Sirius said.

"I'm just going to give you all the information I have." Someone scoffed. "As I was saying, she just came into the common room, talked to me for a second, Severus whispered something I couldn't hear, then he used a spell he created called 'sectumsempra.' It causes painful lacerations." So, person 2 is Regulus. I know who's here at least. James, Regulus, Sirius, Peter, and Remus.

I finally had the strength to open my eyes. It was so fucking bright.

"Guys, she's awake." Remus said.

I heard footsteps, they must be crowded around me now.

"I can't feel my body." I managed to say. I heard a few chuckles.

After a few seconds of trying, I successfully kept my eyes open to look around. I was right, I was being crowded by five boys, Regulus was there to my surprise.

"You bitches talk so loud" I groaned. "Not you, Moony, you're fine. Padfoot, stop looking at me like that." I wasn't looking at him, but I knew what he was doing with his face.

"How'd you do that, y/n? You weren't even looking at him." Regulus asked.

"I've known him for too long for me to not know."

I looked over to Padfoot who was now looking at my arm horrified.

"What the fuck could be so interesting on my arm?" I asked him. I was definitely gaining strength. I glared at him then turned my attention to my right arm. Holy shit. There were bandages covering both my arms completely, but you couldn't tell they were bandages because they were soaked with blood. My blood. "If I go after Snivilus, will you stop me again?" I asked sweetly, throwing Regulus off.

"What do you mean again?" He asked dumbfounded.

"She beat the shit out of him last year for calling my Lily flower a mudblood." I gagged.

"That was you?" He yelled.

"The one and only." I smiled at him and he started laughing. He was definitely nothing like the family he was born into.


The rest of the day went fine, I guess. I mustered enough energy to push myself onto the head of the bed so I could sit up. I had plenty of visitors including Lily, y/f, and a girl I never met named Marlene. She was sweet.

I found out she was another girl in Gryffindor, but she never slept in her dorm. That's why there was always an extra bed for me. I told her I'd been using it since first year. We really hit it off. Marlene was also on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She was a chaser. That is where I recognized her from.

Marlene and I talked for a while before I heard James and Remus coming back into the Hospital Wing. I looked over to the large door in time to see Prongs strut in followed by Moony with a worried look on his face.

"Hey, guys. This is Marlene. Marlene this is James, obviously, and that is Remus." I knew she knew who my brother was because they have played together since second year. I had no idea if she had met Remus though.

"Nice to meet you, Remus." She said as she extended her hand.

They talked for a bit while Prongs and I talked about anything and everything. Marlene left because she promised to study with Lily for a bit.

After she left, Remus sat down near my waist so he was just barely touching it with his back. He put his hand over mine. "Look who's in the Hospital Wing with scars now."

I laughed. "I know they kind of make me look badass. I don't know why you're so insecure about them. They make you look cool too." He shook his head and let out a sigh.

"You do look pretty badass with them." He smiled at me. I don't know why but I blushed. I felt my face get all hot. I didn't think I liked anyone. Especially not my best friend.

You all Siriusly didn't think I would set something up? Of course I would, I'm a mastermind. Anyways, I'm supposed to be studying for my AP US Government and Politics class but I really couldn't be bothered. I am trying to plan out a bunch of stuff for this story. I've got like a whole fucking bulletin board of what I want to include in this. I have an idea that will make the whole storyline of Harry Potter be the same, but slightly different. I promise it will be worth it. :)

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