Part 14~ summer 1994

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I knew Remus would leave soon, which wasn't great, I don't know if I could be stuck here without him. Sirius left last night too. I'm still not sure how he got past the dementors, but I know he is staying at the Black's old house; 12 Grimmauld Place.

I was sitting in my 'mum's' office as some students were coming in to get some help on assignments. I was just sitting at a desk in the front corner of the room copying down the answers to the homework as she had promised. I knew that I couldn't risk anyone seeing what I was doing, so future me made me stay in here to finish my work. School was going decently, I guess. The werewolf incident happened about a week and a half ago, and Hermione was asking me all sorts of questions about Remus. For example, just the other day, she came up to me and asked, "Do you have any wolfish traits like a heightened sense of smell or hearing?" It was uncomfortable to say the least because I didn't know if Remus and I had a kid, if they would have any characteristics like that.

I finished a potions essay we had to do about veritaserum, the truth potion we used the night my friends and I played truth or dare with a twist. "I'm done, mum, there you go." I said handing her the answer key.

"Thank you." I smiled at her and started to walk away. "How's everything going?" She asked.

"Um, good, I guess. It's different." I started.

"Is that it?"

"Yeah, Enzo speaks French."

"I didn't know that." I just nodded and made my way out of the classroom.

Instead of the semi-empty corridors I was expecting, I was met by two tall red heads. "Hi, Fred, George."

"Hello." They said at the same time.

"I feel like you're planning something."

"We are." Fred said.

"We met Peeves and he's going to help us with our next prank."

"I miss him. I started wondering if he had just vanished."

"You've met Peeves?" They asked looking at each other then back at me.

"Of course. I'm surprised you haven't until now."

"Hey, girl-who-looks-like-y/n-but-isn't-y/n, what's up?" Peeves asked appearing from seemingly nowhere.

"It's Alice, Peeves. I've told you before." I sighed defeated.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever." The poltergeist replied looking over at the twins. "Prank time, I choose that blonde curly head whatever his name is."

"McLaggen?" I asked. "Totally. I'm joining, I probably still have some shit from Zonko's."

"That's the one. Let's go, y/n!" He sort of shrieked.

"Again, it's Alice."

"Nope." Peeves disappeared from sight, then we heard something drop, some screaming, then Cormac running through the hall with bright paint all over him. "That was fun, want to do another?"

"I have to go talk to my mum and dad. You three have fun though." The twins still looked shell-shocked.

I have to admit, it was funny watching McLaggen with neon paint all over him, but where did that poltergeist get that damn paint? I walked through the hall and stopped at Remus' door. I took a deep breath and walked in to see him packing his things.

"Hey, Moony, what're you doing?"

"Oh, hi, y/n. I figured since everyone knew my secret I would just leave. I don't want more people to know. If you need anything, just owl me. I'm going to live with Sirius for the time being at his old house."

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