Part 17~ fourth year 1994

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Arthur and I ran into the field of tents that were on fire hoping to save some people from burning. I don't know when, but we got separated, so I decided it was best to just steer clear of any aurors and death eaters and just find any people that I could and get them safely into the forest with many other people.

I was running through the field and heard some distant crying. I hadn't seen anyone yet even though I'd been at this for about thirty minutes. I sprinted towards the noise and saw two kids, the oldest looked about 6 and the younger looked to be 4. Shit. I looked around for a second. I didn't see any trusted adults. Fuckity fuck, fuck. "Aguamenti." I yelled. Water splashed onto the fire surrounding the two kids so I could get them both out of the situation until we find their parents. I ran towards them and picked up the 4 year old and held the 6 year old's hand and ran out of the flames. There was a clear path for us luckily. We got to the edge of the field and I saw adults helping aurors and others get people to safety away from the disaster. I tried to put down the little girl in my arms, but she wouldn't let go. "Hey, baby, what's your name?" I tried to comfort her.

"A-Annie." She stammered.

"Hi, Annie." I looked at what seemed to be her older brother. "And what's your name, hon?"

"Harvey." He replied confidently.

"Ok, Harvey, Annie. Do you know where your parents might be?"

"No, they told us if we got separated to stay where we were and they'd find us. So, I told Annie to stay with me until they came back."

"But they didn't come back for us." The little girl cried into my shoulder. There was a loud yelling sound coming from somewhere in the middle of the burnt tents. When I turned around, most of the campsite was put out except for a few tents at the end of the patch of land.

"Hey, it's okay, Annie. We'll find them. Who did you two come with?"

"Our mum and dad." Harvey answered. He was still holding my hand, but I didn't mind much.

"What is your last name, sweetie?"

"Butcher." I recognized that name. I went to school in the 70s with a kid whose last name was Butcher. I think it was something like Jason or Jackson. I can't remember.

"Do you know your mum or dad's first name?"

"Madilyn and Jacob." Of course. I knew it started with a 'J.' He was a Hufflepuff, maybe a year or two older than me. I didn't know any Madilyn's though. "Mum's a muggle, Dad's a wizard. I want to just like him when I grow up. He works in the magic government. He says he works with reta-" he was cut off by two people running towards us.

"Annie, Harvey!" The little girl who was still crying into my shoulder whipped her head around and detached herself from me and ran towards the two people with her brother. I'm not going to question that those are their parents. After they had been hugging their children for a few minutes they looked at me. "I'm so sorry, we were rushed from the field by people then we were held back when we tried to go back for them. Thank you. I don't know how we could ever repay you."

"Don't worry about it." I smiled at them. I looked at Jacob for a second. He was looking at me like he was confused.

"How old are you?" He asked. Shit.

"Oh, I'm 14." I lied.

"I think I know you from somewhere, but I'm questioning that now."

"You've probably met my mum though. Y/n Potter."

"Oh, of course. I am a few years older than her. School got more interesting when her group joined. Sorry about your aunt and uncle, by the way." I almost started to cry. Key word, almost.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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