Part 15~ summer 1994

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I looked around the table to see if I could get names from the six wizards sitting at the table.

"Sorry, y/n, we should introduce you to everyone." Remus said.

"Tonks." A pink haired witch introduced.

"Kingsley Shacklebolt." Another greeted. He had a kind smile.

"I'm Elphias Doge, that's Dedalus, the shy brunette is Emmeline Vance, the girl next to her is Hestia Jones." I just nodded because no way in hell am I going to remember those names.

"I'm Sturgis Podmore. We all work for the Ministry, but we snuck out for today." A man with blonde hair answered. "Most of us are in the Advanced Guard."

"Ok now that's settled, we need to discuss something. Harry has been having dreams of some sort. Ones including Peter Pettigrew, Voldemort, and a man he doesn't know. He has been sending me letters." He pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket and unfolded it. He read, "Snuffles, I've been having a weird dream, any way you can help? There are three men, the rat, him, and another I don't know."

"Wow, Ministry is really going through mail, aren't they?" I asked. Everyone just nodded. The conversation didn't last too long and everyone started to leave when an owl crashed against a window. I ran over to it and grabbed the letter attached to him. It was addressed to me, well, Alice, so I opened it.


I asked mum and she said you could come to the Burrow this week. We are going to the World cup too if you'd like to come. It's the Irish versus the Bulgarians this year! I'm sure dad and the twins would love to have you come along. Fred and George can't shut up about you. Harry and Hermione just arrived too. Sorry if the owl gave you trouble, by they way, it's not very bright.


I didn't realize at the time, but all the witches and wizards who were just at the table were standing looking at me. I turned around to see them staring. "Oh, sorry. It's from Ginny. She wants me to go to the Burrow this week. She also invited me to the world cup."

"Fun, can I come?" Sirius asked.

"For Merlin's sake, Siri. The ministry is still after you, if you step foot out of this house, people are going to try to track you down. It's unavoidable." Future me said from behind him.

"I guess, but-"

"No." Came from all sides of the room.

"You don't even like quidditch." I added. "James does, you don't. You only go to games to support my brother." I laughed. The room was silent. I felt like I said something wrong. Then it hit me; James is dead. "Sorry. I forgot about that. I'm just going to go pack." I walked upstairs and into the room I was saying in. My trunk sat at the end of the bed. I started to fill it up with clothes, especially green because if I was going to the World Cup game, I might as well cheer for my favorite of the two teams. I packed my toiletries and a few pairs of pajamas. I'll use the floo system to get there tomorrow.

It was still the middle of the day, so I once again walked downstairs to get some food. When I entered the kitchen, Tonks was still there talking. "Hey, past y/n." She giggled.

"To quote Regulus Black, yeah, no." I walked to the cupboard to grab some bread to make a sandwich.

"You knew Regulus?" She asked shifting in her seat so she was facing me.

"Oh, yeah, we were best friends really. Always telling me about what a twat his mum was." I said sarcastically. "No, I'm just kidding. I knew him, we weren't close, but he did help me when Snape attacked me in 6th year. That's how I got all my scars." The anti-again potion wore off, so I looked like I did when I left 1976, scars and all. She seemed to understand.

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