Part 3~ fifth year 1975

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Finally, the day of the full moon arrived, I wasn't scared, I was rather calm actually.

I had double Defense Against Dark Arts this morning, so that made the slight stress about tonight fade. I really like DADA too, it was my second best class, after Potions obviously.

After I had eaten and made Remus eat, I made my way to class with my friends. It was a mixed class with fifth year Gryffindors and Slytherins. I liked those classes because I could be with my friends. The only other class I had that was mixed was Divinations, but that was with Hufflepuff, which I didn't mind much.


We walked into the classroom that only had two other students, a Gryffindor I didn't recognize and Narcissa.

Lily sat down at an empty table so she could wait for her partner. I sat down next to Sirius, James sat with Remus, and Peter sat at another empty table. I was actually excited for today because we were learning about non-verbal spells and how to cast them. I've always wanted to try them. I mean, I could kind of already do one, but that's because I am an animagus. A small black rabbit to be exact. A few of my friends were too. James was a stag, Sirius a giant black dog, Peter a rat, and Remus was a werewolf. He can't be an animagus, but we tell him he basically is, just to calm his nerves a bit.

"Welcome, students!" Our teacher beamed walking into the room form his office. "Today, we will be learning about non-verbal spells. Today, we will be dueling with partners. We will start with a simple spell first, something everyone should have mastered in first year. Please, lift the feather from your desk using 'wingardium leviosa,' but I don't want to hear the charm." I pointed my wand at the large white feather on my desk. I thought hard about the spell, then moved my wand. The feather started levitating. I looked around the room and saw I was the only one who had succeeded. "Well done, Ms. Potter. Now, lets move on to blocking spells." The professor moved his wand to demonstrate. Looked easy enough.

Sirius and I dueled for a bit, switching off who cast the hex, which would've only sent us flying back about a foot, and who blocked it. Sirius got the hang of it eventually and got really good. I did well too. Remus couldn't cast a single thing, and James purposefully didn't hex Remus.


DADA finished and I went to the library because I had a free period. I decided to just read for fun, so I picked up a book about Magical Creatures. I loved animals, especially ones muggles were familiar with, so why not magical ones? Maybe I could read more about werewolves or something.

I flipped to a random page in the book. The bold letters on top said 'Bowtruckles.' I'd never heard of them, so I started reading. They are quite interesting. I flipped to a different page labeled 'Thestrals.' These ones I've heard of. I kind of wish I could see them. I heard from a few students they are the things pulling the carriages from the train up to Hogwarts. I don't know, I want to see them, but I don't want to see anyone die. Unless it's the Voldemort, then I would love to see him die.


The day was over, meaning we had to go down to the Whomping Willow to help Remus with his 'furry little problem' as James calls it. I walked down to the tree with James, Remus, Peter, and Sirus. I had Remus's arm over my shoulder to help him walk down to the tunnel we found under the tree that leads to the Shrieking Shack.

"Oh, I forgot something, give me a second I'll meet up with you guys at the Shrieking Shack." Sirius said. I knew something bad was going to happen. I didn't know what he was up to, but I needed to keep an eyes out for what he was doing.

I gave a worrying look over to James, who was doing the same.

Peter turned into a rat and ran into the hole at the bottom of the Whomping Willow. The tree stopped flailing its branches and we walked into the passageway. We didn't have to walk for long before we entered the wooden house. We got Moony into the same room we had been bringing him since the first full moon of our first year.

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