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Time Skip At Seoul.....

As they landed in Seoul, Jungkook couldn't shake off the tension of the file lost and disappointment for having to cancel their long-awaited honeymoon.

As Jungkook hurriedly walked towards the taxi with YN, his steps were quick and determined. He swiftly placed all the bags in the taxi and gestured for YN to sit inside. YN's face wore a perplexed expression, unsure of what was happening as Jungkook closed the door gently.

"YN, go home. I'll head to the office and find that file, okay?" Jungkook's voice was tinged with urgency as he sought reassurance from YN.

YN nodded in understanding, her eyes reflecting trust in Jungkook. Jungkook nodded back, the gravity of the situation settling in, before turning to leave. However, he halted in his tracks, his heart prompting him to turn back towards YN.

"Baby, I'm sorry our honeymoon is being canceled," Jungkook's voice carried a hint of apology, his eyes filled with regret.

YN's smile was warm and understanding, her reply filled with love and support, "It's okay. I just hope you find your file."

Jungkook's smile widened at YN's words, appreciating her unceasing support. With a final nod, he watched as the taxi started moving, carrying YN away. With a deep breath, Jungkook turned and set off towards the office, determination and a sense of responsibility driving him forward.

The journey to the office was filled with a mix of emotions swirling within Jungkook. Despite the looming deadline and the worry gnawing at him, thoughts of the lost file.

In a bustling office setting, Jungkook rushed in, his mind already occupied with the important file he needed for the meeting. His steps quickened as he reached his desk, frantically rummaging through the papers stacked neatly on the surface. Panic began to settle in as he realized the file he needed was not where he usually kept it. Frustration crept in as he opened his drawer and searched every nook and cranny, but it was nowhere to be found.

Just as despair started to cloud Jungkook's thoughts, Eunwoo, his colleague, approached him with a curious look on her face. "Jungkook, did you find it?" he inquired, concerned about lacing his voice. Jungkook shook his head, his brows furrowed in worry. "No, I can't seem to locate it anywhere. It was here just I kept it," he muttered, his mind racing to find a solution.

Little did Jungkook know, Somi, was watching the scene unfold from her own desk. A mischievous smile played on her lips as she observed Jungkook's distress with a glint of malice in her eyes. seeing him in a vulnerable state sparked a twisted determination within her.

As Jungkook continued to search frantically for the missing file, Somi leaned back in her chair, a plan forming in her mind. She whispered to herself, "Wait and watch, my honey. I'll make you mine and make you forget your wife." Her gaze lingered on Jungkook, her thoughts consumed with devious intentions.

Meanwhile, Eunwoo, noticing Jungkook's growing unease, offered to help him search for the elusive file. Together, they combed through the office, checking every possible hiding spot in a last-ditch effort to find it. But as minutes turned into hours, the file remained elusive, adding to Jungkook's mounting frustration.

Somi stormed towards them, her face a mixture of frustration and anger. "Did you get the file?" she demanded, her eyes fierce as she locked gazes with Jungkook and Eunwoo. They both shook their heads, their expressions sheepish as they knew they had let her down.

"In my cabin now!" Somi barked, her tone leaving no room for arguments as she turned on her heel and headed back to her office. Jungkook and Eunwoo exchanged a glance before following behind her, a sense of dread sinking in as they anticipated the upcoming scolding.

As they entered Somi's office, she slammed her hands on the desk, causing Jungkook and Eunwoo to flinch. Whirling around to face them, her frustration palpable in the air, she seethed, "How can you be so irresponsible, Jungkook?"

Jungkook swallowed nervously, meeting her fiery gaze with a mix of guilt and explanation. "Boss, I remember keeping the file in my drawer before I went on holiday. I must have forgotten to take it with me when I left," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret.

Somi's expression softened slightly as she processed Jungkook's words. Taking a deep breath to reign in her temper, she replied, "Jungkook, we have a deadline to meet, and that file is crucial for our project. We can't afford these oversights."

Eunwoo, sensing the tension in the room, spoke up hesitantly, "I could have double-checked before we left. I'm sorry for not being more thorough."

Somi's gaze shifted to Eunwoo, her disappointment evident as she responded, "It's not just about double-checking, Eunwoo. It's about taking ownership of your responsibilities and ensuring nothing slips through the cracks."

Jungkook nodded in agreement, realizing the gravity of their mistake. "We understand, boss. We'll make sure this doesn't happen again," he promised, determining lacing his words.

Somi studied them for a moment, the weight of their error heavy on her shoulders. Despite her frustration, she knew berating them further wouldn't solve anything. Taking a deep breath, she softened her tone. "I know you both are capable of doing better. Let's focus on finding a solution to retrieve the file and meet our deadline."

Jungkook and Eunwoo nodded, grateful for her understanding amidst their blunder. Together, they brainstormed ideas to locate the missing file, each offering suggestions and working towards a resolution.


Shattered Deception.  (jungkook and Yoongi ff) 21+Where stories live. Discover now