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As the workday drew to a close, Jungkook's hopes of finding the missing file began to dwindle. Eunwoo, ever the supportive colleague, reassured him that they would resume the search the next day with fresh eyes. Grateful for her kindness, Jungkook thanked Eunwoo and began packing up his belongings, still puzzled by the mysterious disappearance of the file.

As they both were leaving the office, a sense of unease lingered in the air. Suddenly, Somi's voice called out from her cabin, beckoning Jungkook to enter. With a sinking feeling in his chest, Jungkook stepped into the room, unsure of what was to come.

Somi's expression was unreadable as she asked, "Did you find the file?" Jungkook's heart sank as he admitted that they hadn't managed to locate it yet, but assured her of their commitment to resume the search diligently the following day.

However, before Jungkook could offer any further explanation, Somi's tone turned stern and decisive. "If the file was not received, the position that was to be given to you is lost. Leave," she declared, her words cutting through the air like a sharp blade.

Jungkook's world seemed to come crashing down in that moment as the weight of Somi's statement settled heavily upon him. Disbelief and shock painted his face as reality sank in. The opportunity he had worked so hard for was slipping away, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand.

Feeling a mix of dejection and helplessness, Jungkook turned and left Somi's office, the weight of her words pressing heavily on his shoulders. As he made his way back to his desk to gather his things, the sense of loss and disappointment hung thick in the air.

Eunwoo, sensing Jungkook's distress, approached him with a look of concern etched on his face. "Jungkook, what happened?" he asked, his voice filled with worry and compassion.

Trying to compose himself, Jungkook recounted the encounter with Somi and the devastating news he had just received. Eunwoo's eyes widened in shock, mirroring his own disbelief at the abrupt turn of events that had unfolded before them.

With a comforting hand on his shoulder, Eunwoo offered words of solace. "I'm so sorry, Jungkook. This must be incredibly difficult for you. But remember, setbacks are not the end. We will find a way forward, together."

Grateful for Eunwoo's unwavering support, Jungkook nodded, but he was still sad and stressed full after listening to somi's words. As they made their way out of the office, Eunwoo walked beside Jungkook, her presence as a steady anchor in the storm that had engulfed him.

Jungkook's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as he navigated the familiar streets leading towards his house. The weight of his thoughts bore down on him, the echoing words of Somi ringing in his ears like a relentless drumbeat.

"If the file was not received, the position that was to be given to you is lost. Leave."

The words taunted him, filling his mind with doubt and anxiety. Jungkook couldn't shake off the feeling of impending loss and disappointment that loomed on the horizon and after all it was his efforts. The drive felt longer than usual, each passing moment only serving to amplify his inner turmoil.

Finally reaching his house, Jungkook parked the car and took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. He stepped out of the car, the weight of uncertainty heavy on his shoulders as he approached the front door.

With a hesitant hand, he rang the doorbell, the sound echoing through the quiet evening air. The seconds stretched on, each one filled with a mix of apprehension and dread.

The door creaked open, and Yn peered in, her worry evident on her face. "Honey, did you get the file?" she asked softly. Jungkook didn't respond, his steps were heavy as he entered their home. He made his way to his room, each footfall echoing in the somber silence. Dropping his bag unceremoniously, he sank onto the edge of the bed, his mind a tumultuous storm of thoughts.

Yn followed him, concern etched into her features. She repeated her question, her voice laced with apprehension, "What happened, Jungkook? Did you get the file?"

Jungkook looked up, pain and frustration clouding his usually bright eyes. "No," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I remember leaving it in my drawer. All those years of hard work, all the effort I put into that project... it's all gone to waste now."

Yn's heart clenched at his words, the weight of his disappointment palpable in the air. She reached out and gently placed a hand on his shoulder, offering him the solace of her touch.

As he spoke of his boss, "Somi's ultimatum about losing my position without the file," Yn felt a surge of anger rise within her. How could they be so callous, so indifferent to all the dedication Jungkook had poured into his work?

Jungkook's gaze dropped to the floor, his expression a mix of defeat and resignation. Yn could see the toll this setback was taking on him, and it pained her deeply to witness his turmoil.

Taking a deep breath, Yn moved closer to Jungkook, her voice soft yet filled with determination. "Jungkook, don't worry your file will get you tomorrow. Your hard work won't go unrecognized. We'll find that file, and you won't lose your position because of it."

Yn watched as Jungkook's tired form disappeared into the washroom, his weariness etched in the lines of his face. She felt a pang of sadness at seeing him in such a state, his usual energy and vitality diminished by the day's events. Determined to do something to help, she headed to the kitchen to warm up some food for him, hoping that a good meal would provide him with some comfort.

By the time Jungkook returned from the washroom, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air. Yn glanced at him as he entered the room, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Dinner's almost ready," she said gently, her voice laced with concern.

Jungkook managed a weary smile in return, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Yn. I really appreciate it. I just need a few minutes to relax before we eat."

Yn nodded understandingly, knowing that he needed some time to unwind. She could see the weight of the day's events weighing heavily on his shoulders, and she wished she could take it all away.

As Jungkook settled on the bed, exhaustion seeping into every fiber of his being, Yn quietly entered the room, a tray of food in her hands. But as she approached him, she noticed that Jungkook had already succumbed to sleep, his features relaxed in slumber.

A soft smile graced Yn's lips as she gazed at him, the lines of worry and fatigue smoothed away in sleep. She stood by the bed for a moment, contemplating whether to wake him for dinner or let him rest.

In the end, she decided to let him sleep, knowing that he needed the rest more than anything at that moment. Carefully setting the tray , she gently covered him with a blanket, tucking him in with a tenderness born of love.

As she turned to leave the room, Yn whispered softly, "Sleep well, Jungkook. I'll be here when you wake up."

The night passed in silence, the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm light over the room. Yn sat in the corner, keeping a quiet vigil over Jungkook as he slept, her heart filled with a mix of worry and love.


Shattered Deception.  (jungkook and Yoongi ff) 21+Where stories live. Discover now